A fucking GPS tracker.

In case he got loose and lost in the city.

If Storm was with Millie, the collar would lead me right to them.

I reached for my phone, ignoring all the missed calls from Lorenzo and my brother, figuring one or both were likely on the way here right that moment, I brought up the app to track the collar.

My gut twisted as I waited for it to refresh.

“The fuck?” I said, blinking at the screen.

That was blinking a trace in fucking… Newark.


I worried that maybe Neeley had her in a car there, but the tracker was stagnant.

Wherever Storm was, he wasn’t on the move. And there was no way he’d run all the way to Newark.

Was he with Millie?

Had she seen them and, I don’t know, ducked into a cab, and begged him to take her out of the city?

Her fanny pack had enough cash to get her there.

And if she didn’t have her phone to call me, it made the most sense that she would run.

I glanced in the car, seeing Nero had left the keys in the ignition, then jumped in, and peeled off.

I saw him as I sped off, his hands out in a What the fuck motion.

But I didn’t have time to stop and explain.

Not if Millie was alone and scared in Newark.

Sure, there were decent areas there, but she wouldn’t know enough about the town to direct the cab driver.

I prayed she was hiding out somewhere safe. A cafe or restaurant or something. Where other people were.

It wasn’t a long drive, but I swear each minute felt like an hour. It probably felt double that for her, since I had no fucking clue how long she’d been gone before I noticed.

The GPS tag took me right to a seedy-ass looking motel, and I felt no better when I walked into the office to find a man with ‘bad news’ written all over his forehead sitting there.

“Sixty-five for the night,” he said, barely looking up. “Twenty for the hour,” he added with a sneer.

Fucking disgusting.

“I’m looking for my girl,” I said.

“Bet you are,” he said, nodding.

I barely held back the eye roll.

“Red hair. Has a dog with her.”

“Oh, that pretty thing. Yeah, she’s here. But I can’t be telling you where,” he said, shaking his head.
