And, somehow, I knew everything, everything would be okay now.



“You got a piece?” I asked as we neared my apartment building.

“Yeah,” Nero said, touching his gun under his jacket. “Want me to come in?”

“No,” I said, reaching for my own gun. “But keep an eye on the streets.”

“What am I looking for?”

“A crew who looks like they’re looking for someone. Or who has my girl.”

“Who’s your girl?” he asked as I started to climb out of the car, my heartbeat slamming against my ribcage.

“Red hair. Gorgeous. Can’t miss her. Has a shepherd mix puppy.”

With that, I flew into my building, not even wasting my time with the elevator, just charging up the staircase that opened right across from my apartment.

My fucking hand was shaky and clumsy as I tried to stab my key in the lock, my mind racing with a million possibilities.

Millie, dead on the floor, caught completely off-guard.

Blood stains, drag marks, because he’d taken her to do unspeakable shit to her.


No, damnit.

There was no way.

No fucking way.

I finally got the key in the lock, and shoved the door open.

To find chaos in the apartment.

Not Millie’s chaos, shoes and clothes and makeup strewn about.

This was a different kind of mess. Drawers upturned, the closet torn apart, my damn mattress off of the frame.

Someone had tossed the place.

But… where was Millie?

Had they taken her, then tossed the place?

I ran through the apartment, knowing there was no logical place to hide other than the closet that they’d tossed, but I looked anyway

In the closet.

The bathroom, finding her cell on the counter.

I even tore open the fucking kitchen cabinets on the off chance that she’d stowed away in there.

That made no sense, of course. Because there was no way she could have kept Storm quiet in there with her.