And even the damn lamp was bolted down.

His growl intensified, making me grab for his collar, holding onto it as I clipped his leash back on, wanting him close in case we had to make a run for it. I would have to… toss him out of the window ahead of me. Not ideal, but the only option.

He yanked against my hold, making my ribs scream in objection.

The door handle jiggled, making my mind flash with visions of Neeley and his men, then the motel manager, and I wasn’t even entirely sure which fate would be worse.

But then, suddenly, there was a surprisingly gentle knock.

Could it be, like, housekeeping?

It was late for that, right?

Storm snarled, then finally broke free of my hold, bounding to the door, and barking menacingly.

“Storm!” a voice called, making me jolt

How did they know my dog’s name?

But Storm immediately shut up, ears pulled back.

And his tail wagging.


I could barely hear anything over the whoosh of my blood in my ears, the pounding of my heart in my chest.

But through all of it, I could just make the words out.

“Mills, open up.”



That wasn’t possible.

My mind had to be playing tricks on me.

There was no way he could know where we were.

“Mills, come on. Open up,” he said as I took tentative steps forward, trying to decide if my mind was letting me hear what I wanted to instead of what I was really hearing. “It’s shady as fuck out here.”

That… that was such a Silvano thing to say.

It had to be him.

I flew at the door, fingers frantically yanking at the clothes hangers, then pulling the chain before, finally, unlocking and yanking open the door.

Sure enough, there he was.

Eyes worried.

But shoulders relaxing just seeing me.

I flew at him, ignoring the pain in my side and the awkwardness of my cast as I wrapped him around the neck, and buried my face in his chest, smelling his familiar spicy scent.

“It’s okay,” he assured me, one arm anchored around me, the other reaching down to pet Storm’s head as he walked me into the room. “It’s alright. I’m here.”