And a man stepped out, swinging his suit jacket closed, covering up the gun in its shoulder holster that had flashed for a split second.


It was Neeley.

He’d found me.

How? How the hell had he found me?


There wasn’t time to wonder about that.

Not when I was standing out in the open, my red hair a distinct giveaway.

I gave the leash a panicked tug, then flew down the side street, then turned up the next block.

Storm kept easy pace, but I forced myself to a ‘jogging for exercise’ instead of a ‘running for my life’ pace.

My ribs were crying out with each step, the hard concrete meeting my unsupportive ballet flats that did nothing to cushion the shock of the impact, making it move through my whole body.

My lungs burned, and I was reminded again how much I needed to incorporate some sort of cardio into my routine.

Not that I planned to be literally running for my life a third time, but I hadn’t anticipated the first or second time either. You just never knew.

I jogged up another few blocks before ducking into a small alley, taking a second to try to catch my breath, to sort through my racing thoughts.

I wanted Silvano.

He would know what to do.

But as my hand went to my pocket, finding it empty, my mind flashed back to the sink counter. Where I’d left my stupid burner phone because Storm had started barking at something, making me rush out to quiet him.

He’d proven too hyped up, so I’d just… grabbed my key and the fanny pack where we kept his training treats and some spare cash. Well, I did. Silvano balked at the idea of a fanny pack, just tossing the treats in his pocket instead.

No phone.

No way to even try to locate the address to any of the Costa Family men.

Why hadn’t I asked for information about their neighborhoods? Or their legitimate business names?

Sure, I knew that Lorenzo and Emilio had brownstones right by one another. But there seemed to be brownstones all over the city. That wasn’t going to help me narrow things down.

There was no way to track him down.

Could I just try to wait it out? Buy a hat and hide out in a nearby park? Try to catch Silvano on his way home?

But what if Neeley and his men, finding an empty apartment, but proof of me all around, hang around the building too? Or start searching the neighborhood?

I couldn’t just hide in an alley and hope for the best.

I had to be proactive.

I reached toward my waist, seeing Storm immediately sit, and start to lift his paw, eager for a treat.

“Here, buddy,” I said, still breathless, tossing a small handful down as I reached for the cash.

Turning my body to block anyone from seeing me, I started to count it.