I expected him to roll away from me and pass out, since I’d woken him up, then kept him from sleep for an hour or two.

But he rolled toward me, then reached to pull me against him. My back to his chest. Me, the little spoon to his bigger one.

His arm draped across my hip.

And I could have sworn I felt his lips press a kiss to my hair.

“Get some sleep, Mills.”

Then, despite not thinking it possible, I did.


In his arms.



There was a tickling sensation on my face, making me grumble in my sleep.

“Not yet, Storm,” I told him.

But the tickle persisted, making me swat at it gently.

To find my hand grabbed by another hand.

My eyes shot open, my heartbeat drumming until I saw Silvano standing there, shooting me a sly smile.

“Was about to stick a fucking mirror under your nose,” he said, smirking at me.

“Your bed is stupidly comfortable,” I told him as I started to scoot myself up against the headboard. “Oh, you are a God among men,” I declared, seeing a large coffee in his hand.

“What? This? This is mine,” he said, raising it to his mouth, but the twitch of his lips gave him away.

I held out my hands, taking it, and chugging a greedy sip.

“Storm had a long walk,” he told me, going to sit on his side of the bed where he’d already left his cup of coffee. “He’s passed out on your pillow. Drooling.”

“Gross,” I said, face scrunching up as I took another sip. Though I was silently hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t be sleeping on that couch again.

It seemed like something had maybe changed between us last night.

For weeks, we’d been actively pretending that we hadn’t kissed, that he hadn’t gone down on me, that I hadn’t gotten a little crazy over thinking he was embarrassed to be seen with me.

I don’t know why we’d made this unspoken deal, but we had. And it had kept things… calm in the apartment.

We’d gotten a chance to know each other better, to learn one another’s rhythms, to enjoy each other’s company.

It seemed strange that now was the time I felt like I needed more.

Maybe it was because my ribs were feeling better, even if my wrist was still stuck in a cast.

Or it was possibly as simple as everything being on the table now. There were no more secrets, nothing I was keeping from him. Or him from me.

I mean, yeah, objectively, Silvano had to have certain secrets. About his work. But I was okay with that. I just didn’t want my past between us.

Was this a good time to start up with a man?