It hadn’t been.

And I’d been so incredibly stupid to say what came out of my mouth next.

“Dad, tell them,” I’d pleaded. “Or I will.”

That was it.

That was the mistake I would go to my grave regretting.

Neeley’s brow had lifted at that.

And I’d watched as both my father’s face fell, like he’d known what was coming, and as a smirk toyed at Neeley’s lips as he’d reached into his pocket.

“Guess I don’t need you anymore,” Neeley had said.

Then I’d watched as the gun pressed to the back of my father’s head. Then as the trigger was pulled, as the bullet exploded from the gun, then through my father’s head.

At the moment, I hadn’t even registered that it was my scream that filled the warehouse until Neeley snapped at his guards.

“Shut her the fuck up.”

Silvano’s arm tightened around me, but he didn’t interrupt, like he knew I needed to rush through the next part, to get it all out once and for all.

The next part was kind of blurry in my memory. I guess the adrenaline had been surging through my system.

Because I could see the same end for myself.

And while I wanted to curl up and mourn, I guess my sense of self-preservation kicked in.

I just… ran.

I’d been half-blind with my fear, but I somehow managed to find my way out of that building, then onto the street.

It had been pure luck that there was a bus a block away. And I’d flown inside, ducking low, so no one could see me through the window, and praying that it would pull away fast enough to save me.

I’d gotten off relatively quickly as soon as we were close to my father’s place, grabbing my car, then speeding out of town.

I’d stopped to clear out my bank account.

Then I just… kept running.

State by state, stopping only for necessities, then to grab the essentials I would need to go to the woods.

“Can I ask you something?” Silvano asked when I finally stopped speaking, my throat actually sore from speaking.


“Why did he ‘kill’ you?”

“I was a witness,” I said, looking up at him, my brows pinched.

“Yeah, no, I get that. But if he wanted his money, why did he kill you before he got that information?”

That… was a good question.

I hadn’t even considered that part.

A memory came back to me.