“I know I should be sorry, but, honestly, your face was kind of priceless,” she said, shooting a sunshine smile at me, making this weird as fuck sensation start in my chest.

Something with impact.

Like a punch.

The fuck was that about?

“Uh oh,” she said, pressing her lips together to stop their twitching as my phone started to ping, then ring. Only to pause, then start up again. “Whoops,” she said, letting out a little giggle. “I’ll let you do damage control while I un-pretty,” she said.

As if that was fucking possible.

I watched her disappear into the bathroom after grabbing some fresh clothes off of the TV cabinet.

“Oh, fuck,” I grumbled at seeing my mother’s name on my phone screen. “Hey, Ma,” I answered as I made my way up to the loft, dropping down onto my bed with a sigh.

“Hey, Ma?” she repeated, voice pitched higher than normal. “You sat across from me at my dining room table just two weeks ago, and somehow didn’t remember to tell me that you’re seeing someone who is, apparently, a gorgeous redhead named Millie.”

“Ma, listen, it’s not like that. It’s… new,” I said, since that was as close to the truth as I could get. And I really didn’t like lying to my mother. “I know Giana probably had a lot to say, but—“

“You got a puppy with her?”

“She got a puppy. It came with her,” I said. Again, the truth.

“Was there something about an engagement ring?” she pressed.

“Listen, it’s not like that. I think Millie was just fucking with me,” I said. “Trying to make me squirm. It’s… new. I wouldn’t keep a woman from you for a long time like that.”

“Trying to make you squirm, huh?” she asked, sounding amused. “I think I like her already. Well, you need to bring her to my table. And don’t you dare argue with me. If Lorenzo and Giana met her, it’s time for me to as well.”

There was no use arguing with my mom.

I could just, I dunno, stall on dinner for a while.

Though, admittedly, some part of me wanted to show up there, wanted to walk Millie into my mom’s place, to introduce her to my family.

But that was fucking crazy.

“Alright, Ma,” I said.

“What’s she like?” she asked as I watched Millie walk out of the bathroom, kicking her shoes over toward the closet door, then scattered various items she carried with her across the coffee table.

“Messy,” I admitted, feeling my lips curve up. “Sarcastic. Calls me on my bullshit.”

“Aww,” my mom said, making me shake out of my little mental fantasy of going down there, scooping her up, and bringing her into the bed with me.

Not to fuck.

That still wasn’t an option.

But just to have her close.

That was so fucking insane, though, that I turned my gaze away from her, and worked at removing my cufflinks instead.

“Mom…” I said, sighing.

“I know, I know. You’re not the touchy-feely sort. But I’m just happy for you, that’s all. You needed a spot of joy in your life.”

I stood up to remove my jacket, my gaze immediately seeking out Millie as I did so.