Or was I just being paranoid?

“Poor Sil here has been needing to walk our dog since,” she added, making my stomach tense.

“You got a dog?” Lorenzo asked, even more perplexed.

“Oh, Sil loves Storm!” Millie gushed. “They’re best buds. He baby-talks to him constantly. Oh, sorry,” she said, shooting me a guilty look. “You probably didn’t want that getting around, huh, sweetie?” she asked,

What the ever-loving fuck was going on?

“Are you guys going to Twelve Tables?” Millie asked, leaning back into me. And my damn hand rose by itself, resting on her hip, further selling her story.

“Yeah,” Giana said, smiling.

“We just came from there. This guy, always trying to show me off,” she said, turning to give me squinting eyes, like I was just so silly. “Don’t let us keep you. It’s getting late. We need to get home to our puppy,” she said. “It was so nice meeting you,” she added, still beaming as everyone said their goodbyes, then Lorenzo and Giana moved into the restaurant.

She waited until they were out of sight before she pulled away, turning toward me.

All of those fake smiles were gone.

Her entire face was stony.

“That’ll teach you for being embarrassed to be seen with me,” she snapped.

Before rushing into traffic, arm raised, and sliding into a cab before I could even think of stopping her.

Her gaze was stubbornly turned away from the window as the cab pulled away, leaving me to wonder where the fuck she was going, since she didn’t know her way around the city. And had no money.


“Follow that fucking cab,” I snapped at Venezio who pulled up to scoop us up after dinner.

Venezio’s lips twitched, like he’d seen her flee from me, but he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

We followed for a minute before we hit a crush of traffic.

“One second,” I told Venezio as I climbed out, rushing toward the cab, and wrenching the door open.

Her whole body stiffened, but she refused to look at me.

I tossed a stack of cash into her lap, then rattled off my address before slamming the door again, and heading back to Venezio’s car.

“You’re just letting her go?” he asked, brows raised.

“Yep,” I said, even if everything in me wanted to grab her, pick her up, and toss her in the back of Venezio’s car until I could get her alone to talk to her.

Because… what the fuck?

In what fucking universe could I ever be fucking embarrassed to be seen with her? She was the prettiest goddamn thing I’d ever seen. She was the kind of woman you were proud to have at your side.

That wasn’t the issue.

The issue was fucking Lorenzo.

A man who had a knack for seeing when shit wasn’t quite right.

I didn’t want him getting suspicious. Looking into shit. Calling me in to answer questions I knew I couldn’t lie to.

I guess, in a way, her little show kind of saved me from that. Sure, maybe I might have looked blindsided. But Lorenzo and Giana might be able to believe that was because I was being caught keeping a long-term relationship secret from everyone.