To that, I nodded, reaching a hand out to her.

“Silvano Costa,” I said, shaking her good hand. “There. Now you know me. Really, Mills, the fuck other choice you have?” I asked. “Let’s be real. If you had the money, you’d have been out of the country. You don’t. And you likely already dropped a lot of it trying to hide out in the woods. You’re out of options.”

“Why would I come with you?” she asked, her eyes looking round and vulnerable.

Seen a lot of women with that look before.

Yet none of ‘em had the impact as Millie’s did right then, making my stomach tense, making me unexpectedly ready to go to bat for her.

“Because you wouldn’t be alone then,” I said, shrugging.

“You don’t even know me,” she said, tone laced with suspicion.

“If it makes you feel any better, you’re not my type,” I said, watching as her brows lifted. Offended, maybe? She didn’t need to be. Because it was a complete fucking lie. If it was possible for a fantasy to come to life, she was it. But knowing that would make her think she wasn’t safe with me. And she was. Not only would I never, on principle, ever lay a hand on a woman without her consent. But the fucking Family would chop off my balls if they found out I had.

“Uh, weird to say, but okay,” she said. “Still…”

“Look, it’s not like I’m gonna fucking drag you to the city with me. I’m just giving you an option that doesn’t involve getting strangled to death in the woods. Think on it,” I said, then made my way out of the room, finding the waiting area, and parking there for another couple of hours while she finished with whatever the doctors and nurses needed to do, then got discharged.

She came walking out slowly, like each step was making her ribs scream, despite the pain meds that had to be at work in her system by then.

Her gaze scanned around before landing on me, but I sat, making her come to me. I figured it made her feel like she had more power that way.

“Make a decision?” I asked, still seated.

“Can I bring Storm?” she asked.

“Wouldn’t offer if you couldn’t bring him,” I said.

Her gaze slid away for a moment, then came back.

“Okay then,” she said, nodding.

She didn’t sound sure.

And, hell, neither the fuck was I, so that seemed fitting.

But regardless of all of that, we were off.

Away from the woods.

Back to the city.

For better or worse.



You’re out of options.

His words rang truer than they had any right to.

I mean, yeah, I could have tried to run again, since there was a good chance that my attacker believed I was dead.

But what if he came back to check?

Clearly, the cabin was out of the question.