No, damnit.

I’d been so careful.

I’d done everything right.

There was no way he’d found me.

Except, of course, that was his voice.

I wasn’t imagining it.

Even if I worried about that for a second, the way Storm went batshit crazy told me that I wasn’t hearing things as I whipped around.

It was a bright night, the moon almost full, and the trees still too bare to block out the light it provided.

Not that I needed to turn to know.

I knew that voice.

It would haunt me until the day I died.

How did he find me?

I’d been so careful.

It didn’t matter.

I just had to get away.

My first instinct was to rush into the cabin, to board the doors. But there wasn’t enough in the cabin to use. And I certainly wouldn’t be quick enough.

Besides, even if I could get the job done, secured inside with Storm, I knew this man well enough to know that he wouldn’t just let me live then.

He would shoot through the walls.

He would set the entire freaking building and forest on fire.

I wasn’t going to get to live.

Unless I could outrun him.

I wouldn’t pretend to know the woods well, but I knew the general area around the cabin well enough to navigate even in the darkness.

Where the downed trees were.

That one kind of deep hole in the ground, guaranteed to roll or break an ankle if you stepped into it wrong.

I had a slight advantage.

Hand closing tighter around Storm’s leash, I didn’t waste another second.

I turned deeper into the woods, and I ran for my goddamn life.

Because, make no mistake, that was what this was.

If he caught me, he would, I don’t know. Shoot me. Beat me to death. Stab me. Strangle me. The choices were kind of endless when it came to sick bastards like him.

Storm, thankfully, was all too happy to take off at a dead run, likely thinking this was just some sort of game. But as we ran, I wondered if he could be sensing the urgency.