“I was at the barber,” Ant said, shaking his head. “He was giving me a shave, and a fucking car backfired out front, making him jump and…” he trailed off, waving a hand at his neck.

I’d never met someone as unlucky in life as Anthony Costa. The little brother to our Capo dei Capi’s right-hand man, I heard he’d just recently finally been Made. But it didn’t look like that turned his luck around at all.

“Lucky he didn’t do any damage,” I said.

“Yeah, I heard it from everyone already,” he said, shaking his head. “You going in, or what?” he asked.

I nodded, making my way up the steps and into the hallway of Lorenzo’s massive-ass place.

He needed it. He was breeding like a fucking rabbit.

“Long night?” Emilio asked as I stepped into the doorway of the dining room, where Lorenzo did a lot of his business.

It wasn’t like in the old days, where you could talk in public places. Or even out on a walk. Surveillance was too sophisticated now.

The perk to working out of the house was, he knew no one could bug his place, since there was always someone manning the door.

“Ground wasn’t fully thawed yet,” I said, dropping down into one of the chairs across from him.

Every fucking inch of me was aching.

And despite a long, hot shower at the gym to decontaminate, so I didn’t bring trace evidence home, I was fucking chilled to the bone.

I needed a hot cup of coffee, and then a solid eight hours of sleep.

Maybe then, I would stop seeing flashes of red in the woods each time my eyelids blinked closed.

“That whole thing shouldn’t have happened,” Lorenzo said as he walked in behind me. “Sit,” he said, clamping a hand on my shoulder when I tried to stand. “You look like you’re barely staying awake,” he added, passing me a coffee.

“Thanks,” I said, warming my hands around it for a minute before taking a sip.

“Everything go to plan?” Lorenzo asked.

“Aside from the fucking storm from hell? Yeah,” I said, my mind flashing with red, but I shook that thought away.

“You alright?” Lorenzo asked.

“Fine. Beat,” I said. “Still gotta run Miko’s jewelry back to him before I crash,” I told them, feeling the weight of it in my pocket. Normally, I’d make him wait. But he seemed upset to lose the cross. I figured it was the decent thing to do to get it back to him.

“Leave it here,” Lorenzo said, making my brow raise. “The kid… Nero, he’s gonna be working closely with us for a while,” he explained.

He had to be pretty fucking mad to want to oversee the kid himself, instead of letting my brother handle it. But it was an epic fuck-up, I guess.

Flash of red.


For fuck’s sake.

There’d been no one there.

I hadn’t fucked up.

But what if I had?

“Sure you’re alright?” Emilio asked, watching me with eyes that felt like they were seeing way too fucking much.

“Yeah. Think I might head out of town for a few days,” I said.