My heart seized in my chest, panic making me feel goosebumpy yet overheated somehow at the same time.

Miko and Nero shared a look, then threw open their doors, and rushed out.

But not before Nero very carefully placed a gun on top of the center console.

I watched them run, their night vision making them nimble as they flew into the pitch-black woods.

I waited maybe a beat or two before I climbed over into the driver’s seat like I said I would.

But I didn’t just stay low and wait.

I inched the car slowly, very slowly, back down toward the cabin.

I really wasn’t even in my right mind as I kept hearing gunshots, as I kept imagining one or more of them hitting Silvano, taking him from me.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw him.

Well, I saw… someone.

But something inside of me knew it was him.

And I watched as he lost his footing, as he fell.

I never moved so fast in my entire life. Not even when I was trying to run from Neeley. Not even to save my own life.

I grabbed the gun, threw open the door, and ran.

My heart dropped as I watched another man appear, gun raised, as Silvano was still down, still vulnerable, unaware.

I didn’t stop to think.

I couldn’t.

I just let my finger slide to the trigger.

And then I pulled and pulled and pulled.

And watched as the man jolted, then fell.

And didn’t get back up.

Honestly, I wasn’t really aware of much after that.

Like I saw Silvano get up, moving toward me slowly like I was some scared, wounded animal.

I guess I was.

I didn’t even feel the panic as Neeley appeared, as he held up a gun, clearly having the advantage.

I felt like I was physically there, but far away mentally and emotionally. I couldn’t seem to muster up any worries. Or any thoughts at all.

Until there was another pop.

And another.

And another.

I was sure Neeley had shot Silvano.