With just the nighttime desk clerk to help save me.

Against men who were willing to kill to get me for my father’s money.

Then, another voice, more accented, calmer, called out, “Mrs. Allegro?”

Mrs. Allegro?

My alias?

Sort of.

I didn’t have the papers to go with it like Silvano did. But still. It was my cover.

How could he know that?

Had he bribed the attendant?

But this was a different one from the morning. He didn’t know my face or where I was staying.

I whipped around, heart hammering, and saw them.

Two men who had to be brothers, all dressed in expensive suits. Both undeniably handsome with the kind of laid-back but aware carriage that felt very familiar to me now.

Silvano had it.

So had Silvano’s boss, Lorenzo, when I’d met him.

They could be members of Silvano’s family.

But there was no way to know for sure.

“Nice car out there,” the younger one, said, nodding at me. “Did it come with a rosary in the glovebox?”

It had.

A silver and tiger’s eye rosary.

I’d seen it when I’d been looking for a tissue or spare napkin when Silvano had been in the big box store.

There was no way someone could have just… known that. Unless the car belonged to them?

Silvano told me that he never drove newer model cars, not liking the built-in GPS. So, clearly, the car he’d come to rescue me in wasn’t his own. Maybe he’d just grabbed the closest one. Then the rightful owner had come to track it, and him, down.

The older of the brothers approached, holding a hand up in a peaceful gesture, but keeping it low enough that it didn’t alert the clerk’s attention.

“My name is Miko,” he said. “This is my brother Neo. We work for—“

“Cosimo Costa,” I filled in, knowing those names from the stories Silvano had told me. Always doing so carefully, not giving everything away for safety reasons, but enough to have me intrigued.

“That’s right,” Miko agreed, nodding.

“What is Cosimo’s dog’s name?” I asked, wanting to be certain before I moved away from the safety of the clerk and the nearby exit.

“Abbey,” Miko said. “Think she’s fucking old enough to have seen Christ resurrect,” he added with a smirk that was ridiculously charming.

That was right.
