I tried to shove Millie behind me, even though I hated the idea that someone could approach from behind and hit her.

Better those chances than having her facing Neeley.

“You’re not walking out of here,” he growled, eyes that of a man who had nothing left to lose.

And, even as I thought that, all I heard was silence.

No more footsteps.

No calls of his men.

Were they all down?

And if so, fucking how?

I couldn’t fuck this up.

If I raised my hand too slowly, if he saw the movement before I could get the gun high enough to shoot, he could easily hit me. Then there would be nothing standing between him and Millie.

I couldn’t let that fucking happen.

“Give me the girl. Is she really worth your life?” he scoffed.

She was.

She was worth my life and every single fucking one of his men’s lives.

But even if I were selfish enough to hand her over, he had to know that I knew he was never going to leave me as a witness.

“She’s worth a few mill,” I said, watching Neeley’s face grow tight.

That was his weak spot.

The money.

“Know exactly what it’s hidden in too. Just need her to bring me to it,” I added.

His jaw was ticking and his gaze slid away.

Just for a second.

Half of one.

Enough for me to start to raise my gun.

But he had better instincts than I’d been giving him credit for, and his finger slid to the trigger before I could even get the gun half way up.


Fuck fuck fuck.

But then, a shot.



I ducked, yanked Millie down with me.