
No, damnit.

I wasn’t going to panic.

I still had the advantage here as the men seemed to fan off in different directions. Only one seemed to be making his way toward me.

I glanced to the side, trying to tell if my next closest cover had anyone near it, but over the steps of the guy approaching me, it was impossible to tell.

He took a step closer.

Then another.




Maybe not a kill shot. It was hard to tell, but there was no time to tell as I turned and ran.

There was another guy a few yards up. I could just make out his shadow.

Hearing me, he started to turn.

It was never the best bet to shoot when you were on the move, especially when you didn’t want to give up your location. But there was no other choice, because I damn well knew he wouldn’t give a fuck, would point and shoot until I dropped.

A shot rang out.

Then another.

And another.

One was mine.

Another thunked into the trunk of a tree.

But judging by the burning on my arm and the warmth trickling down my skin, the third one had at least grazed me.


I squeezed off another, hearing a howl as the man dropped.

I did make sure I did a double-tap with this one, since I was practically running over him as I went to my next location.

I heard all the voices left shouting now, calling to each other, then the stomp of their feet as they followed the unavoidable sounds I was making.

Then, suddenly, gunshots.

A fuckton of gunshots.

The sound seemed to come from everywhere, echoing around the woods, disorienting me, making me second-guess what I was doing.

Then I heard them.

Screams of pain.

What was going on?