“As if I would sell it. This goes back to Victoria when we complete this thing. You’ve been trying to get me to agree to a tattoo for years. It’s still a hard no.”
“Maybe your man likes women with tattoos,” Josh stated.
“Her man does not like body art. I kinda like that fresh-faced look, very little makeup and clothes that fit, rather than skintight that show everything.”
“You see? He gets it, sweatpants and sneakers.”
“I do think the sweats are cute, but there is a time and a place for it. For instance, not at our wedding. Although, wouldn’t that send the media into a frenzy?”
“Maybe we’d start a new fashion trend,” she grinned. “I’m sure I could get white, maybe a new pair of white sneakers. I could even get some with rhinestones.”
“How about you pick that exact outfit out for our honeymoon?”
“Honeymoon, we’re back to that already,” she moaned. “Is it something you all feel strongly about?”
“If we want this to look like a real marriage for the city then, yes, I feel you should go somewhere, get out of town.” Aunt Victoria answered before me.
“Besides, when’s the last time you took a vacation?”
“Never, really. We’d take weekend trips but not very far. The rescue was always more important.” She tilted her head thinking. “It takes at least two to do a rescue. I can’t do that to Josh.”
“What if I got him an assistant, or captain Ben could be the driver while Josh does the saving? Dr. Garcia could take care of medical?” I asked. “We could even get a helper for Josh in the water.”
“Kleine, go on a trip, you know I can do it. Doc would tell you to go as well.”
“Where do you want to go? No, where haven’t you been? I want to do a new experience for both of us.”
“I like that, let’s see…”
“I haven’t spent any time other than boardrooms in California. I think we have a house there somewhere.”
“Yes, to California, not to your house somewhere. We should rent a convertible and drive the coast, or a motorhome and camp on the beach.” She grinned. “Too rustic for you?”
“Not at all, I love it.”
“I love it, Kleine. I’ll have Delores set it up.”
“You’ll be okay with driving? We could take turns.”
“I do know how to drive; I have a car and everything.” I pretended to be upset. “I can handle a motorcycle, and a race car one time.”
“No one here is falling for that, Dalton. Josh, see what you can do to console his pride. Girls, shall we move on while he gets over his feelings?” Aunt Victoria rolled her eyes at me.
“I think we need to discuss living, as in where am I living? Dalton doesn’t want me to live where I am now.”
“She lives at the seaquarium, as does Josh.” I gave up on pouting. “You’ve been there, Aunt Victoria.”
“Only a few days ago, before all of this, and I needed to save money.” She hurried to explain. “My granddad did it for years. There is an apartment, it’s not like I live in the middle or in the water.”
“She would live in the water if she could breathe,” Josh nodded. “We have a large living room, that’s how I settled it in my mind. Plenty of space for having guests.”
“Right, Josh, I like that.” Kleine pointed at him, smiling. “Think of the parties we can have.”
“I can’t argue with their way of thinking,” Murphy agreed. “Of course, I haven’t seen the place, but out of the box thinking is what I like.”
“Ya know, it’s large enough for the reception,” I joined in the joking around.