“Yes, but for all intents and purposes it is to be perceived as one. Keep in mind, you started that with your romantic proposal.”
“You might as well tell me what you have in mind.”
“Now, Dalton, Delores already told me you took all of next week off, so you had something in mind before this call.”
“I suppose I did. I wouldn’t call it a honeymoon. It was more a get settled in, figure out how life would look for the time being.”
“I happen to know you’re great at multitasking. Why would you need a week off?”
“For a honeymoon, of course. Where might I be going?”
“You should ask her. She’ll resist because we’re doing so much already. Do try and not overwhelm her.”
“You said a whole lot right there. If I ask and she resists, then what?”
“Somewhere she can be herself.”
“The middle of the ocean, then. Should I see if they have rooms available in Atlantis, Dubai?”
“Would she be alright if something happened and she couldn’t get out there to rescue?”
“Okay, not the water.”
“All I want you to do is think about it, then listen when you ask her.”
“I hear you. I promise.” I stood from my desk. “See you at dinner.”
Everyone had arrived before me, minus Kellan. Kleine looked nervous, clinging to Josh, and I couldn’t blame her. My family could be intimidating, to say the least. Captain Ben pulled us away from the dock once I stepped on, as requested.
“Are we going somewhere?” Murphy asked. “Did you think maybe Kleine figured out she’d better make a run for it?”
“Did you tell her things, cous’?” I kissed her on the cheek. “I forgot to tell her to not believe anything about me coming from you.”
“I’ve yet to hear any of the real Dalton. Maybe later.” Kleine came closer, looking a little more relaxed.
“I thought it might be nice to get away from that.” I pointed to the docks with paparazzi. “We won’t go far.”
“Appetizers are served on the upper deck,” one of the staff, Roland, said.
“Great, I’m hungry.” Murphy went up the stairs before anyone.
“Does she starve herself? Every time I’m around her, she’s starving.” Kleine walked next to me.
“No, she has a fast metabolism and can out-eat most of us. It’s not fair.”
“You don’t appear to carrying extra weight either, sir.” She poked me.
Conversation flowed easily during appetizers, no mention of what we were all there for, until dinner was served. Then, it was Murphy who kicked it off.
“Kleine, have you been asked at all what you want for your wedding?”
“I said right off I didn’t care, and I still say that.”
“Nonsense. I don’t care if this isn’t a real marriage, things could happen and, if they did, you don’t want to look back and regret something,” Murphy demanded. “Mom, wouldn’t you agree?”
“You are correct, and I have brought with me a checklist.” She held up a notebook. “This, I will be leaving with you to fill out or we can do it now, together.”
“Can we do it together?” Kleine gazed around to each of us. “Dalton should have a say as well, especially after Murphy made a good point.”