Page 46 of Mail Order Splash

“Fiftieth floor, please,” she said, straight-faced.

Then she would watch me try not to laugh as the unsuspecting guest reached for the buttons that only went to twenty-five, so very confused.

“Must you do it every single time?” We stepped out and right into the hostess.

Aunt Victoria was sipping on a drink, gazing out over the water looking completely relaxed.

“There you two are.” She glanced from Murphy to me. “Oh, dear, has it happened again?”

“It’s like I’m being punished.” I pulled Murphy’s chair out.

“Come on, Dalt, it’s funny. You have to admit it.”

“Funny is one description, embarrassing is another.” I nodded to my aunt. “Are you feeling ill?”

“Not at all. I was just thinking that I’ve done nothing but meet and eat today. I might have to take a walk later.”

“You wanna walk? You don’t walk, Mom. Did you mean pay someone to walk for you?” Murphy teased.

“I walk. Sometimes I even take the stairs. How do you think I stay so slim?”

“Genetics to start, and I thank you for the very same genetics.” She waved to the waiter. “Can I get a lemon water and some of those delicious bread bites? Dalt, you want an appetizer?”

“I’ll have what she’s having.”

“I might as well get to it. Your brother was fuming when you hung up on him. I had to hold back a smile. It reminded me of when he was around five and didn’t get his way over a toy,” Aunt Victoria said. “We spoke for a good hour. He’s beside himself with stress. I suggested a vacation with Poppy. I would, of course, keep the baby with me.”

“Yes, what good advice, and so selfless.”

“I made it clear I had ulterior motives. He declined the notion, said it would add to his stress.” She sipped her water. “Then is told him how difficult he was being, and not just with you, Dalton. He needs to spread the work out. There are far too many of us for one to be like this.”

“I’ve told him time and again, but he won’t do it.” I shrugged. “He’s a martyr.”

“Oh, good word, cous’. I like that and I agree.” Murphy took a bread bite they placed on the table. “Poppy has told me the same. She’s worried about him.”

“Then we shall have to make it happen. He forgets I am over him in this company, I just never use my standing on any of you.”

“Uh-oh, now he went and did it. He has awoken the beast.” Murphy nodded up and down.

“How can I help?” I asked, more serious. “I need the old Kellan back. I need his help.”

“Is that the only reason, Dalton?” Aunt Victoria asked.

“No, it’s not. I care about him, of course.”

“I’ve let him know I will redistribute some duties within the foundation.”

“He had to be upset about that.”

“Not really. He has been talking with Poppy about it. He hadn’t asked to take over so many duties and misses his family life. I plan to give that back to him.”

“How long should I wait to ask him for help?”

“You also will be given more duties, some of his.” She paused, then went on. “I assumed from a previous discussion that was what you wanted. Is it not?”

“It is, yes.”
