“Do you come on deck and relax? Do you use the facilities onboard?”
“No sir, that wouldn’t be proper.”
“Okay. From now on, everything on board is for you to use as you wish.”
“Thank you, sir. I don’t require much, though.”
“Where did you go swimming?”
“The intracoastal. It’s a little warm today and the water looked refreshing.”
“From now on, unless you really want the water down below us, please use the pool and hot tub and, when it’s just us, you don’t need to say ‘sir’.”
“Very well, sir.” He fumbled his words. “That will take time to change. How about Mr. Hawthorne?”
“Do you have family here? Do you have a day off?”
“I have family. I have spoken with them and had a short lunch nearby to be close if you needed me.”
“So, no day off. Listen, from now on, you have evenings off and Sunday, unless I have something special. Hire someone else to be at my beck and call.”
“No, sir, this vessel is mine. I wouldn’t want someone else at the helm. I don’t mind being available.”
“I understand that feeling. Then hire someone to do the other stuff for me and you drive if needed. Is that fair?”
“Fair enough, thank you.” He stood to go. “By the way, I watched from up top as you helped save that dolphin. Well done.”
“Captain, I loved it. I would do it every day. As a matter of fact, can we set up something to check the waters, maybe a drone?”
“I’ll speak with the tech team and get it started. Do you want a rescue boat towed?”
“Not a bad idea. My new friend would like that if she was onboard.”
I leaned back in my chair. “Take the rest of today and tonight off. I’ll be out and not going anywhere. Or you can bring your family onboard, have chef make you a delicious meal.”
“They would love that. Is five o’clock alright?”
“Absolutely, earlier if you want. Enjoy the evening, have them swim. Nothing beats this view.”
“Before I go, do you need anything?”
“I can fend for myself. I should fend for myself, don’t you think?” I smiled with a nod to go.
One quick email to the chef to make a light snack and drinks for my meeting with the city, then I went back to work. Before I knew it, Captain Ben was letting me know a visitor had arrived for my meeting and was in the lounge.
“I thought you had gone already. Is your family coming?”
“Yes sir, at five o’clock. Will that be too early, due to your meeting?”
“Not at all. My meeting should be done before that, then I will be out for the evening.
Please get my attention around four to let my guest know our time is up.”
“Edward, thanks for coming on your day off, would you care for a drink?”
“Iced tea, if you have it.”
“I do. I remembered you liked it last time.”