“I have so many liens on the property and several years of back taxes. We might be unsavable.”
“That’s what I’m saying. Nothing is impossible for them, so they’ll be your target audience.”
“I’m terrible at that kind of stuff. Can’t you do it for me?” I whined. “If I stand next to you and smile, can you talk?”
“No, but I will stand next to you and smile.” He nodded to Josh, who was agreeing with him. “Why don’t you come too? She may need the support.”
“Me go to a swanky party?” he asked. “I don’t have to be asked twice. Maybe my future wife is there.”
“Josh, you have a girlfriend. What would she say to that comment?”
“She would tell me to go for it. We aren’t serious and she’s moving next month to California.”
“I’m sorry, I thought you really liked her.”
“I did, I do, but she has to go take care of her grandmother and I have to take care of mine.”
“What are you talking about? Your grandmothers both live in Texas.”
“I believe he is referring to you.” Dr. Garcia chuckled.
“Josh, are you calling me an old lady?”
“Yep!” He dove into the water with Netty.
“That wasn’t very nice,” I pouted. “I don’t have a single wrinkle or grey hair.”
“You act like my granny. I wasn’t referring to your looks, you goof.” Josh held onto the edge of the pool. “Start acting like someone your age with your good looks and I won’t call you Mee-maw.”
“Don’t you dare call me Mee-maw, you brat.” I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. “And not me-me, gigi, or granny either.”
I dove into the pool then swam up right in front of Netty. “What do you say, girl? You wanna try swimming some more?”
“Only briefly, Kleine. I’d rather her rest another twenty-four hours. The meds are working, so don’t push her.”
“I know, I read your notes when I went into the office. Looks like she ate good.”
“She did. Josh tells me there was a pod out today. Do you think it was hers?”
“It could be. They were hanging around while we released another one, but then they followed us.” I rubbed Netty’s back. “They most likely remember me from her rescue and followed, looking for her.”
“We can bring her into the outside tank tomorrow. Maybe the pod will come closer.” He stood, hands in pockets. “Kleine, you have to get serious now. This place could be taken from you.”
“I’ve been serious, but apparently not enough.” I released a heavy sigh. “I hear you.”
Once he left, I jumped in the pool and swam a few laps. I needed to burn off some stress and in the water was where I felt the best. Sitting on the edge of the pool wrapped in a towel, I remembered Josh and I had planned to camp out that night again with Netty. I vowed to stay awake while he went out for the food. It could have been because I knew he was bringing back my favorite pizza or that I was hungry. Either way, staying busy until he returned was the way to remain awake. I checked on Netty then went back into the office to get some paperwork done. Sorting through boxes and boxes of Granddad’s stuff was a chore that was taking way too long.
“I’m back.”
“I knew you were back the minute you opened that front door. I could smell the pepperoni and cheese.” I sniffed the box. “They’re without a doubt the best pizza in town.”
“Do you have any idea how hard it was to not open this box and eat mine on the ride back here?” He held the box up over my head. “You have to suffer like I did.”
We both laughed when Netty let out a whistle and flapped her fins as if she got the joke.
“You suppose she wants a piece?”
“She might, but I’m not sharing. She didn’t share her shrimp.” Josh placed the box on the small table. “I’m digging in.”