“Yes, and don’t worry, I was in the wrong to be upset.”
“Her name is Bridget. She’s twenty-one years old and my baby sister.” I put my hands in my pockets. “You will come to learn that she hangs on all of us. I think it’s an insecurity thing.”
“Ugh, what is wrong with me? I’ve been acting like a child,” she groaned. “I feel like an idiot. I’ve been emotional since the courtroom. It’s so unlike me.”
“It’s nice to hear you were jealous. I thought you indifferent.” I teased her to get a smile.
“I don’t know what I am. I think I was embarrassed. I don’t want to be portrayed as the wife of the cheating playboy.”
“Makes sense, I get it. Can we talk this over tonight when it’s all over?” I gestured to a room of people waiting. “My aunt thinks this is a big deal. She’s been good to me, I wanna make her happy.”
“She’s amazing. I don’t want to let her down either. Go away so I can shower.”
I looked to Josh then back to the open room of people. Doc wasn’t looking too happy, neither was Charlie. I didn’t need them on my bad side.
“Before you say anything or lock me in a trunk, there was a misunderstanding.”
“Who was the girl?” Doc asked.
“My sister. Charlie can tell you. Eli tried his best to throw women at me, but I stayed with Bridget most of the night,” I shrugged. “I used her hanging on me as a shield. It worked pretty good, apparently.”
“Don’t hold this against her. It’s not like her at all to be this way.” Josh came to her defense. “I think all of this happening so fast has been a lot.”
“Hey, all brides are emotional on their wedding day. We’ll call it that and move on.” She waved to the room. “See you at the church.”
My brothers were all on my yacht when I got there. They were already dressed and looking rather serious.
“Now what?” I stopped in front of them. “It was Bridget.”
“What about me?” My sister came out of the lounge. “I’m dressed and ready, but you aren’t.”
“Kleine thought I was with another woman last night. It was a bit touch and go over there until I figured out what happened.”
“She’s a nice girl and you’ve been a playboy,” Kellan said. “Can you blame her?”
“Not at all, but what is this all about?”
“You never told us who was to be your best man.”
“I would choose any of you to have my back any day of the week, but I really feel strongly today about Kellan standing by my side as my best man. So, Kellan, we’ve had our ups and downs lately, but you know I love you. Will you be my best man?
“I get on you a lot because I know your potential isn’t being met, but none of that matters now. I’d be more than proud to stand by your side. I love you too.”
We hugged each other then backed when my cell alarm went off telling me it was time to go.
“Before we get to the church, I need no comments when Josh stands with the women. He’s her Maid of Honor.”
“This wedding of yours keeps shocking me.” Kellan looked at his watch. “Get dressed. We don’t want the bride thinking you changed your mind.”
All drama aside, the church looked up to the Hawthorne standard. The colors we’d picked together made for a cheerful room instead of the extra formal ones I’d seen in the past weddings. I stood next to my brothers. Waiting. When the rear doors opened and she came into view, my heart skipped a beat.
How did I get so lucky? Don’t screw this up.
“Hi”, was all she said when she got to me.
“Hi yourself. You ready to do this with me?” I put my hand out to help her up the two steps.
“More than ready. We make a good team. Forgive me for earlier. That crazy girl is gone now.”