Murphy had disappeared into another room with a friend she’d made, so I sat back to enjoy the show. It was interesting watching Dalton in what was probably his normal lifestyle. His buddy, Eli, was as wild as Murphy, as were several of the other guys with them.
Where is Dalton? Ah, there he is and, as expected, he has a beautiful brunette hanging on him. Why am I upset? We’re not really married.
“Would you care for a dessert, ma’am?” The waiter came over. “Miss Hawthorne gave me this note to give you.”
Look up. What is this note supposed to mean.
I folded the note then looked around, searching for her. When my eyes landed on her upstairs, she raised a glass then pointed down to Dalton.
She brought me here on purpose. She must have known they were going to be here. Is she trying to get me to see he is not my guy, or what?
I tapped my watch for her to see then pointed to the exit with a wave for her to stay. The car was out front to escort me home, but the word home felt skewed for some reason. Maybe I’d started envisioning a life outside of the seaquarium, with a real house and children that could carry on the legacy.
“You’re back early. Why are you alone?” Doc sipped a coffee.
“It was an eye-opening night and I’m exhausted.” I paused by the pool watching Scrapper swim around. “He’s doing better.”
“Thanks to you. I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I would have left him had it been me. Everything I know about medicine indicated he was a lost cause.”
“I feel we had divine intervention. How else can we describe it?” My shoes went off next. “How do women stand in these all day or night?”
“They might ask the same of you being in a wetsuit for eight hours.”
“Touché.” I headed toward my room. “Will you be leaving?”
“Not a chance I’d leave you alone. Everyone went out with Dalton.”
“I saw them tonight. They showed up at the nightclub we were at.”
“Doesn’t sound like that went well.”
“He didn’t see me, but there was a girl hanging on him.”
“I’m sorry, Kleine. You like him, don’t you.” Doc patted the cot next to his. “Actually, go change and come back.”
I nodded then disappeared into my apartment. I wanted to crawl under the covers but Doc was waiting and I’d never leave him hanging. Comfy sweats and my socks, I padded out to him.
“To answer you, yes, I like him, but I knew what I was getting into and I’d do it over and over if it meant saving this place.”
“I know you don’t need my advice, but don’t give up on him yet. I see something with the two of you, the way he takes care of you.”
“Doc, you’re a romantic. Josh takes care of me and I’m not gonna marry him.” I crawled under the covers. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve been through way worse.”
“I know you have. Doesn’t mean I’m okay with it,” he said. “I won’t leave you alone. You get some sleep.”
“Thanks.” I closed my eyes, giving in to sleep, then woke again. “Hey, Doc, I’m getting married tomorrow.”
“You’re already married. Tomorrow will be a piece of cake,” was all I heard until I woke to laughter.
“Quiet, people are trying to sleep.” I growled at the noise. “Don’t wake Doc.”
“Kleine, sorry, I thought you were staying somewhere else tonight.” Josh apologized.
“Did you have fun?” I asked from under the covers.
“I did. We went to this cool new club. You could see almost the whole city.”
“I know the one you went to, plenty of girls there. Did you meet one?”