Page 90 of Mail Order Splash

“I tried to find out because, with Eli, it could be dangerous, he’s nuts,” Sawyer said. “I asked Bobby to join us. He’ll take care of us.”

“We need more than Bobby. Why not Bond?”

“He is gonna to be on wife duty. Aunt Victoria is going out with them and she goes nowhere other than her regular haunts without him.”

“Hey, Charlie, you wanna go out with us? There will be lots of food,” I asked when he came through the front door.

“Sure, let me check with Kellan. Did you forget to invite him? I heard him on the phone earlier about it.”

“Oh, no, Eli, tell me you didn’t purposely not invite Kellan.” I grabbed my cell on the table.

“Dalton, did you get yourself in a pickle again?” Kellan answered on the first ring.

“Technically, I wasn’t the one in a pickle and I wondered if you were riding with us for the bachelor party tonight?”

“This is the first I’m hearing about it. Are you sure you want me to go?”

“You’re my big brother, the hero of the week and leader of this family now. Why wouldn’t I want you to go?” I got serious. “You do know I didn’t plan it or invite people. It was Eli.”

“Ah, that explains it.”

“Will you join us? I need you there.”

“Pick me up at the office, I’m working still.”

“By the way, I heard Poppy went home to take care of Mr. Carp. Hope all is well.”

“She and the baby are there. He hasn’t seen the baby in a while. They’ll be back in a week, I hope. If not, I’ll fly over to them.”

“You miss that little one?”

“I miss Poppy around as well. I like your girl, she’s tough.”

“Her being who she is made it easier to make the grand gesture.”

“Is that all it was? I thought I sensed a connection.”

“I‘m feeling something, but not sure it’s real. Do people fall in love that quick?”

“I did. I was obsessed about her from one close encounter.”

“I forgot about that. Good to know. I need to get ready, see you soon.”

I forgot the tough lawyer in the family fell hard and fast.

“What are you doing in shorts, man, we have a party to get to.” Eli strolled in.

“I had calls to make. What are we doing tonight and why didn’t you invite Kellan?”

“Darn, I always forget about him as being human. We joke about it so much. Is he mad?” Eli pulled his cell out. “Give me his number, I’ll invite him now. It wasn’t on purpose.”

“I know you better than that, man. I already called him. You still haven’t answered me.”

“Nothing crazy, I swear.”

“Marriage of convenience or not, we’re not doing ridiculous.” I gave him my best stern face. “You got it?”

“Got it, man. It’s like you’re married already.”