“I suppose I need to be like the rest of you. Bring it in, I will decide later.”
Have I made a mistake? Will this family try to take over? Or, was it really a nice gesture?
The dinner he brought for us was every bit as delicious as it smelled. We cancelled the usual movie-watching for a game of cards and took turns with Netty. The firepit was a bonus; being smokeless was priceless. I slid my cot closer to it then cuddled up under the blankets. The men were making s’mores and debating over football versus baseball. All I remembered was drifting off in the most peaceful sleep I’d had in a while.
“Kleine, Netty has been clicking and whistling for a bit now. The pod must be close; I think it’s time.” Doc shook my arm. “I’m going to go in with her. Get ready.”
“Is Josh ready with the outer pool?”
“Josh and Dalton are out there waiting. I let you sleep until we were ready.”
“You shouldn’t have, Doc. It’s my responsibility.”
“Excuse me, but I believe I am every bit as responsible, not to mention involved. You haven’t slept that well in months. It was needed.” He pointed to the office. “Get dressed.”
“Are you ready, girl?” I squatted on the edge of the water to pet her. “You must miss them so much, you poor girl.”
“Ready?” Doc popped up from under the water. “If her pod is there, she’s healthy enough to go with them. Are you prepared to say bye?”
“Have we tagged her?”
“I took care of that. She had an opinion about it, but I did it anyways.”
“I’m ready. I want her to be with her family.”
We swam with her to the outer pool. She was tentative for all of thirty seconds before the clicking got louder and louder until we could hear the pod clicking as well.
“They’re here. Oh, Doc, they waited for her. Isn’t it wonderful?” I smiled up at Josh. “They came for her. Doc says she’s ready. Open that gate.”
“Wait, you’re letting her go now? I thought this was to see what would happen.” Dalton came closer. “I need to say bye to her.”
“Then get on in here. Once we open that gate, she’ll be gone in seconds.”
Josh opened the gates enough for Netty to swim out if she wanted to. If it wasn’t, her pod she might still go or she wouldn’t, and we’d have to bring her out to the open ocean. My thoughts were that it had to be her pod or they wouldn’t have risked a trip into the intracoastal. It would be too dangerous for them.
“She’s going. Look, she’s going.” Dalton cheered, along with Josh.
“It’s her pod, alright. We don’t always get happy endings like this.” Doc swam up to me, hanging onto the gate.
“She’s coming back. Something’s wrong. Should we close the gates?” Josh yelled.
Netty zoomed back into the pool, flipped up into the air, whistling along with two other dolphins, then slowed next to me.
“It’s okay, girl. Go be with your family, but come back and see me some time.” I hugged her, then backed away. “Be careful for that netting, girl.”
“It’s bittersweet. I’ll miss her, but also I’m so happy she is well enough to be with her family.” He pushed up out of the pool then pull me up. “We can track her; maybe she’ll be back.”
“That was the best thing ever. I want to learn everything about dolphins, and turtles, and whales!”
“Slow down, Dalton. There’s plenty of time. Let’s go check the tracker and see how far out they are.” I ran for the office with them in tow. “Look, they’re already back out in the ocean. This doesn’t happen every time.”
“Now what?” Dalton asked, disappointed. “I don’t want another injured dolphin, but now what?”
“Most weeks we get up to ten rescues. We’ve been lucky lately that they can swim away but, sadly, there will be more like Netty to help.” I stretched. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going back to sleep.”
“I’m hungry.” Josh held his stomach. “Anyone want food?”
“I want sleep,” Dalton and Doc said together.