“You have no passion. Is there anything we do here that has your full attention or are you punching a clock?”
“Both, frankly. I feel you’re looking for something to be mad about but can’t find it because I don’t do anything wrong.”
“I need you at the party. Let’s start there. Why do I have to beg you to be at these events? Partying is what you like to do, after all.”
“You never have to beg me. You assume I won’t be there, or I won’t do as you want me to do, which is garbage. Where does that come from? I don’t stay in clubs until sunrise like Sawyer and Asher used to.”
“I went out on the yacht the other day with you to see what fascinates so much that you always go out there. All you did was leave to meet some girl.”
“You have that all wrong. I left because you were being you, or at least this new you.”
“Is that your excuse for taking off to meet a girl, some random girl you’ve never met?”
“I think that’s how you met your wife, isn’t it, Kellan?”
“It’s not the same and you know it. Just be at the party.”
“You need to rethink how you speak with me. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can treat me like this.” I stood facing him.
“I run this empire and I want you fully committed. Show me you want to be here instead of being here because of your name,” he growled.
“Kellan, it will do you good to remember that we have the same last name and I show up every time I’m needed and when I’m not.” I closed the distance between us. “I have passions and I’m following my own path. You need to come to terms with it. I won’t do this anymore so figure out how you want to carry on and let me know so I can decide what my next move is.”
“There’s a meeting in ten minutes. We can talk later.” He stormed off without another word.
I cracked your tough exterior, Kellan, and I’m gonna keep at it until you behave like a real brother. I need to ask Aunt Victoria what happened to make him like this.
The meeting went as it always did, then follow-up phone calls, one being to my aunt to confirm I would be attending because Dr. Garcia would be there. I wanted desperately to be out on the water, but work needed attending to, regardless of what Kellan thought.
“Hey cous’, looking forward to the party tonight. We had fun dancing at the last one.” Murphy practically purred into her cell. “You better save a minimum of an hour for me.”
“How about instead of picking on me we find you a man?”
“Are you dense? I’ve said repeatedly I don’t want one. Geez, you’re starting to sound like the rest of them.”
“That was mean. I feel wounded.”
“You better believe it. Now, save me an hour.” She disconnected.
The rest of the day I was buried under contracts until my secretary came in reminding me it was time to change for the night’s event. Closing my office door, I stepped into an almost empty building. Somehow, everyone had gone except me and a few stragglers.
“Mr. Hawthorne, do you need anything else this evening?”
“No, but tomorrow I need you to research dolphin rescue facilities in the area.”
“I will do it first thing in the morning.” She back away. “Good night, sir.”
The marina was full of life. People were out enjoying the crisp air in droves. The smell of fried seafood and salt engulfed me, sending my senses into overdrive. It took all of my restraint not to pull my yacht away from the docks and head to open water but, after the speech I’d given Kellan, I had to be there that night more than any other night to prove a point.
“Dalton, you look as handsome as ever. I like white on you.” Aunt Victoria met me at the entrance. “You and I seem to arrive at the same time often. Perhaps that means something.”
“Aunt Victoria, you always have something nice to say, unlike my brother.” I glanced over to find Kellan looking in my direction. “We had words today. There’s something eating at him. I know it but can’t figure it out.”
“Your father has been on him about business. Even though he handed over the reins to put all of his attention into the horses, he still wants to be in charge.” She linked arms with me. “Escort your old aunt inside. We can chat more about him on the yacht, away from prying ears.”
“You’re anything but old, and I would love to have pictures of us together in the paper tomorrow. The question is, which one of us will they target in the picture?”
“Oh, does it matter? I don’t even look at those things anymore. They have had me married at least four times, divorced two times, and I might have several illegitimate children.”