Page 72 of Hunger

I laugh. “That’s not exactly what most men want to hear their wives say when they try to buy them their dream house. We’ve been working for years to afford the down payment on the mortgage. I’m exhausted most nights after my job at the construction site, and you’ve been killing yourself to get tenure at the university.”

Her bright gaze comes back to me. “I know, but now we have a mortgage! And the most perfect house. Isn’t it wonderful?”

I chuckle deeply as we finally arrive at the bedroom. “It’s wonderful finally being able to call you Mrs. Layden Eques.” Lovingly, I lay her down on the bed.

The glint in her turns mischievous as she drags me down on top of her.

“All you’ve ever done is tease me,” she growls. “Will you finally give me everything? All of yourself? Mr. Phoenix Eques?”

Gently, and one by one, I tug the little pins out of her hair. From my position on top of her and propped up by my elbows, I can only reach some of them, but it’s enough to run my fingers through the hair around her face as I gaze into her eyes. “You’ve always had all of me.”

Her face sobers as she holds onto my waist beneath my tux jacket. “I know. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you all of myself before. It’s just been…” She frowns, her eyes going a little distant. “I was just so ashamed for so long. I’m not even sure why now…”

Her eyes come back to me and brighten. “But that’s all over and done with. Now it’s just you and me in this beautifully ordinary, perfect life we’ve created together.” She beams at me.

She’s so beautiful, it all but bursts my chest open.

“I want to make love to you,” I whisper.

Her breath hitches, and her hips jump involuntarily against mine. “What are you waiting for? I’ve been wet for you since we crossed the threshold.”

My cock has been stiff for a while now, but it all but leaps in my pants for her. “There’s too much fabric between us,” I groan.

She giggles and starts pulling up the miles of puffy fabric of her dress.

I reach down to help her and shove my own pants down. When we’ve freed ourselves and each other of our respective clothes, I move my hand to touch her.

As soon as my fingers make contact with her sex, I exhale. She’s not lying. She’s so wet my finger immediately becomes slick and slippery. She’s not wearing any underwear.

“Fuck, woman.”

“Why aren’t you inside me yet?” I love her needy, impatient whine.

“I like to tease you.”

I rub my middle finger around her silky opening and love the way she trembles, both when I circle her clit and dip my finger in, pressing down against the bottom wall near her ass.

“You like it dirty, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she gasps.

I smile. For all her talk of normal and ordinary, my woman still wants to keep it wild in some areas. And it’s our wedding night. She’s going to get everything she wants.

So I lift up from her.

“What are you—” she starts, then squeaks when I flip her over so she’s facedown on the bed, a fluff of white tulle and her rosy little ass staring back at me. She’s wearing a sexy as fuck white lace garter belt that attaches to her thighs… but I was right. There’s nothing covering that sweet little pussy that’s winking up at me from below her ass.

“You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you,” I breathe out.

She goes further up on her knees, wiggling her ass at me. “What are you gonna do about it?” she asks, looking over her shoulder from where her face is smooshed against the pillow. She’s got a challenge in her eyes that are dark with lust.

My cock goes stiff. “I’m going to turn this little ass pink until you squeal.”

Her eyes glitter before she puts her head back down and sticks her ass out even further. Still, it’s quite audible when I hear her say, “Yes, sir.”

Fuck. I spank her right where the fullness of her ass meets the top of her thigh. First one cheek and then the other.

Each time my palm makes contact, she twists and moans beneath me. So I do it again. And again.