Page 7 of Between Brothers

And yelp in surprise when he bends down to grab the hood back.

“Oh my god!”

Remus immediately lets go of my hand and backs into the corner to hide what I’ve already seen.

“How is there another face on the back of your head?” I squeak out.

“I did not want you to see that yet,” he snaps, not looking as confident for the first time since I’ve met him. He grits his teeth and stretches his neck in a way that looks painful.

“W-what is it?” I ask, hoping I don’t sound judgmental but knowing I’m failing.

Remus pulls a small flask from his pants pocket, takes a sip, then stretches his neck again, settling back with a sigh. When he glances back at me, he looks more settled.

“Meet my twin brother, Romulus,” Remus says calmly.

“Your tw— Why isn’t he moving?!” My heart thumps hard, the fairytale-like wonder of everything falling away as I’m washed with a dose of the reality of what’s just happened. I’ve essentially been kidnapped by some god-like creature with wings and—and two faces! I mean, yes, I might’ve volunteered to be kidnapped, but that’s neither here nor there at the moment!

“He’s sleeping.”

“Does he ever wake up?” I walk forward and grab Remus’s shoulders, trying to turn him around so I can get a better look at the other face, but he blocks me by keeping his chest toward me. His hands cinch me around the waist, and astonishingly, he lifts me and deposits me several feet back.

I make a startled noise as my bicycling feet meet the stone again. He doesn’t let go of my waist, and just like earlier, my heart speeds up at his closeness. I blink, trying to clear away the haze of hormones his nearness stirs up. Wasn’t I just telling myself it was time to come back to my senses? Not swoon!

“He’s not going to wake up for a long time,” Remus says.

When I inhale and ask, “What does that mean?” all I smell is him. Maleness and clean musk and good lord, it’s been too long since I’ve been touched by a man.

Remus only grins, a wild glint back in his eyes. His hands linger at my waist, squeezing slightly, and I swat at them. I’m very aware of the feel of him squeezing a little more before he lets go.

“Don’t worry, little one; it’s only you and me at this party for as long as we can manage.”

“Nothing you’re saying makes sense!” I declare.

“But you don’t want boring, do you?”

“How do you know what I want? Maybe I’m fine with boring. Boring is safe.”

He just scoffs. “Safe? What fun is safety? There’s no adventure in safety.” He leans in, grinning that too-wide grin. “And you’re a woman who wants adventure, aren’t you?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You know nothing about me. Or what I need.”

He’s staring right at me, and I notice that his eyes are a dark, dark gray. His face is chiseled, beautiful and unnerving, with thick lips and a smile that seems to curve too wide so often, like the Cheshire cat.

“Oh, I want to hear all about your needs.” The way he says the last word makes it sound. . . gulp. . . sexual.

I blink, my mouth going a little dry. Is he flirting with me? I’ve forgotten what that feels like. “Can we get back to the part where there’s a sleeping twin on the other side of your head?”

“Are you hungry?” he asks suddenly. “I bet you’re hungry. I know a place that makes the most delicious meals.”

I frown as he pulls back. Is that a reference to me being thick? My last boyfriend used to say passive-aggressive crap all the time, especially in front of his friends when we were out and anyone mentioned food. Like, oh, she’s always hungry, and there’d inevitably be a snigger from someone.

I cross my arms over my chest as my walls start going up, the past I wanted to leave behind suddenly haunting me like the Ghost of Christmas Present. “What do you mean by that?”

Remus has already started heading down the stairs. “Hmm?” he asks over his shoulder, barely turning to look back at me. “Head down to the dining room. Eleven floors down. I’ll meet you there with dinner.”

And then he opens up one of the many windows along the stairwell and jumps right out of it.

“Hey!” I yelp, jogging down and grabbing the window frame. “I was trying to talk to you!”