Page 31 of Between Brothers

That was enough of a shock, but then came Romulus’s words.

And now, he’s telling me he’s going to take me home?

I spit with all the venom inside me, “You’ll take me home over my dead body.”

Romulus stares at me incredulously. “But you can’t stay here.”

I cross my arms. “I’m not going anywhere until I talk to Remus again.”

Romulus gives me a cold stare. “He’s not here. I am. And considering all he did while I slept, I’d say it’s about time for me to clean up his mess.”

He takes a step toward me, and I dodge around the bed, getting low and holding my arms up. “I’m serious,” I growl. “I bite.” I snap my teeth at him.

Romulus stands up and stretches his neck, frowning as he feels along his collarbone. “Yes, I can see that.”

I make an angry noise. “Not like that. I hate you. I’ll bite your finger off!”

“It’ll just grow back.”

“Wha—” I scoff, at a loss for words at that. I cross my arms back over my chest. “Don’t you think you should wait until your brothers get back from vacation before you make any hasty decisions?”

He tilts his head at me, the expression on his face changing as he nods. “Well, little girl.” I bristle at how patronizing he is. “At last, you say something sensical. I’ll get Abaddon here, and he’ll know what to do. At least he’ll back my play because, obviously, the logical thing to do is to put you back exactly where my brother found you.”

“Hey!” I snap. “Why don’t you start trying not to be an asshole, like. . . now?”

He narrows his eyes at me, then strides for the door. Which is another kick to the gut.

“Wait!” I call, and he stops.

He starts to turn around, but I wave for him to stop. I don’t want to see Romulus’s stupid face. I reach up to Remus’s sleeping features and caress his face. He looks calm in sleep. Unlike himself. Remus never looks calm. He’s always riled about something and so alive. He’s the definition of alive.

I reach up and kiss his sleeping lips, whispering, “Come back to me, my love.”

Romulus doesn’t move for a long moment after I pull back, and for a second, I hope his stillness means they’ll switch back.

But no, he reaches for the door and then stomps out, large wings swooping behind him, tail near the floor rather than playfully dancing in the air like usual when Remus is in control.

I follow after him. “What am I supposed to do now?” I ask.

“Wait,” he says before slamming the door shut in my face.

Chapter Thirteen


Come back to me, my love. Her soft voice whispering those words to my twin brother, of all people, haunts me as I run down the stairs.

All Remus knows is war. He was never good at the art of sweet words or manipulation. That was our father’s domain and, on occasion, mine. I could manipulate for tactical advantage like no one else.

Remus was only ever the chaos. He could burn fury and contention in men’s hearts that made them lust for blood. He could turn kinsmen against kinsmen, lighting up a personal quibble that had nothing to do with the battle at large and stoke their bloodlust so they’d slay one another on the spot, though the battlefield was two leagues away.

So there is only one true reason he’s brought this beautiful woman to our castle.

He has done it to torment me. To allow me to feel the touch and embrace of the most beautiful woman and then have her turn away in disgust right after the climax of my first-ever sexual encounter. Because he is a sadistic fuck and always will be.

He is no one’s love, and the sooner this woman realizes it, the better.

Abaddon will be my ally in this. He will see the danger in Remus’s reckless actions, betraying our presence to the humans. If I’m lucky, he’ll agree to another two-hundred-year sentence in the dungeon.