Page 22 of Between Brothers

She breathes hard like she just ran up all the flights of stairs and back down again at once. Several spasms rock her entire body, which has otherwise gone slack, one of her legs falling down from around my neck, the other remaining there haphazardly.

I smile wide and lick my lips, savoring in her juices.

“Holy shit,” she finally breathes out, her other leg sliding off me. I catch it just in time and help lay it gently to the ground.

Her chest rises and falls, her bottom still beautifully bared. Her flushed sex winks at me from between her legs.

“Holy shit,” she says again, breathily. “I didn’t expect that.”

“I cannot say that I did either,” I chuckle, laying down beside her and cradling her to me.

She blinks shyly up at me and then buries her face in my chest. “I can’t believe we just did that.” She covers her face with her hands.

I frown down at her. “Why do you hide yourself?”

I reach down and lift her leg so that she wraps herself around my hip. Torture to my stiff cock but also everything I’ve ever wanted, even if I didn’t quite know it until this moment. She comes willingly, snuggling her body around me like a blanket. But she keeps her face covered.

“Lo-Ren. Why do you hide your face? May I not see you after the pleasure we shared?”

She drops her hands but just smooshes her face against my bare chest instead. “I’ve just—No one’s ever—” She shakes her head and buries her face tighter against me.

I blink in confusion at her half-sentences and run my fingers through her hair. “What do you mean, sweet consort? Speak with me.”

She sucks in a deep breath and exhales against my sternum. Still not looking up at me, at least she speaks. “It’s never felt so good. No one’s ever made me feel like this before.”

I grin over her head and wrap my arms around her to pull her more tightly against me. “I have only begun to make you feel good things, Lo-Ren.”

I feel the shudder that goes through her body at my words, and a deep quake of happiness resonates inside me. Though my lust is still high and unquenched, this feels perfect, just as it is.

Holding my Lo-Ren in the summer breeze by the lake, under the shade of the tall pines. I may not be able to travel to the other realms like my brother Kharon, but I now know what paradise is.

Chapter Nine


Can life actually change this fast? All that day and the next continue to be so amazing. We spend them talking. Eating. He shows me an amazing bath with tons of jets and leaves me to lounge. He gives me time alone that night, not pushing even after what happened by the lake.

He ordered me what feels like a whole wardrobe of clothes that he flies in along with dinner the following day, designer fashions that I’m shocked by. It’s all the things I asked for and much, much more, and I do a little fashion show for him because it’s so exciting to try everything on. Everything fits exquisitely, even though I didn’t think some of these companies made things in my size. How did he have them tailored to my measurements that quickly? The expense must have been insane, but I can’t deny that it feels amazing parading around in a silky Yves Saint Laurent nightgown while we stay up all night talking.

We talk about everything. Well, almost everything. He tells me about his brothers, Abaddon and Kharon—who apparently used to be named Thing—and about their consorts. Abaddon’s just had a daughter who’s got wings and tiny little horns like her father and to hear Remus tell it, is an adorable little hellion.

He tells me about his cruel father and how they’ve all just really started to be a family again. He tells me about his youngest brother, Layden, who recently returned after they thought him dead.

He tells me about everyone in his world except the twin on the back of his head.

“Why won’t you talk about him?”

“He doesn’t matter.” Remus waves a dismissive hand.

I make a face. Outside, the sun is just coming up. We’ve talked all night again. Just talked, even though, with the way he’s sitting so close to me on the bed, I’ve been secretly going nuts, replaying his mouth on me by the lake about every other second. Which is why I feel tired but also punch-drunk with lust as we continue talking. Plus, I’m way too fascinated with everything coming out of his mouth to pay attention to my heavy eyelids. “He must have mattered at some point. He’s part of you.”

He just shakes his head. “All that matters is right here.” He holds me tighter, his dark eyes searching mine. “You. Me.” He drags his hand down the line of my hip and tugs me closer to him. “This.”

“What?” I roll my eyes, hiding an internal shiver. It doesn’t help that he always walks around without a shirt to display his six-pack abs. “Sex?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “This closeness between us. I’ve never known this before, and it’s all I want. I want to live in this space, just me and you.”

“But there’s a whole world out there, and it’s going to come knocking at some point.”