Page 77 of Between Brothers

But I’m done with leashes and cages.

I’m not just War. I am Chaos and Destruction and Division, both large and small.

So, with my wings warmed just enough to be able to use them again, I race to the front of the line, aim my body like an arrow, and fly straight at its head.

I pass straight through the creature, and at first, there’s a spike of panic. Can I still accomplish my purpose if it’s not even corporeal?

But as I feel the warmth of its inner fire, all that remains murky becomes clear. I don’t just divide brother from brother in war. I divide cell from cell. Stem from stern. It doesn’t matter if the substance is of this plane or any other.

I am not just the angel of War. I am a god.

I vibrate the innards of the creature, my own fury fueling my work as I fling my arms out when I’m in the blinding inner core amid the transformed energy it feasted upon earlier.

The creature explodes from the inside out, bits of it blowing outward into space.

I exalt in my power as I continue on to the next creature. It does not even run from me. One after the other, they absorb me and I destroy them.

It’s only after several that I realize how easy it’s become and that I myself have begun to glow. Not just the glow from my chest from the angel-spark that I rarely shine forth. No, I’m glowing from the tips of my fingers. I feel the heat bursting forth from my eyes, my belly, and the tips of my hair.

I’m being transformed by this, absorbing some of their digested energy as I destroy them. The Devourers are feeding me in a way I never anticipated. It makes me able to move faster and with even more deadly intensity.

When I’m done with the entire line of creatures, I’m far from the sun but feel no cold. I’m burning up, instead. I’m alight with power.

I am now truly a god.

More than any of my brothers. More than my Father-Creator. More than any beast or spirit from any realm.

I can rule and conquer them all!

I laugh into the emptiness of space.

And then I remember. Whatever power I have just gained for myself can never be mine alone. I do not own my body. I’m just a temporary passenger, forced forever to share.

It’s not fair! No one would endure this!

Then I laugh again, a great, body-shaking chuckle. Because, of course, I don’t have to endure it. I am a god, for the moment in control of this godly body.

I have the ability to divide cell from cell. My brother and I have been at war from the day of our birth, but now I know how to conquer him. I finally have the knowledge to simply cut him from my body.

I will destroy him and be left in blessed solitude, alone to my own thoughts and all I want, with no one threatening to take it from me the moment my eyes close in sleep!

I shut my eyes and fling my arms out once more. A buzzing starts in my ears, and I see it so perfectly, what I could not before. Perhaps it is the bursting energy inside me; perhaps I was willingly blind out of some misguided affection or reliance on the parasite who was only ever holding me back.

But I see him now, my body in golden outline projected perfectly in my mind and the exact lines demarcating where I can cauterize the neurons that are him so that only I remain. In my new godly state, what seemed impossible is now child’s play. His outer face will be easy to slice off, then I can grow hair where he once was so that finally, I will be a whole man.

I breathe in satisfaction, imagining how her eyes will glow when she sees me flying down to her in a triumphant return. Just like the first moment I met her.

I remember the moment so well as it is burned in my memory. Eyes wide in shock and then interest, she all but glowed when I announced my intentions and raised her hand as a volunteer to be my consort. The only brave one as everyone else fled.

Her bravery has only continued to impress me, never once turning her face or embrace away from me, no matter what the circumstances of being with me have thrown at her. Not missiles or strange creatures from other planes of existence or. . .

Or him.

I frown, the first moment of doubt I’ve felt since I began destroying the Devourers.

What will she say when I return without Romulus? I could tell her he was lost in the battle with the creatures.

Immediately, I reject the thought. A god such as me does not need to resort to deceptions.