So, my dearie, live your life.
Be happy.
Let your light shine.
And if you ever feel me on the breeze, don’t cry, my dearie.
Your Miss Maggie.
I wiped the tears from my eyes, and then smiled at Mr. Anderson, “Thank you.”
He smiled down at me, and then asked, “So, where is this Jewell person?”
Abel chuckled, pulled his phone out of his pocket, and placed a call, “Yeah, is Jewell there?”
At his nod, he pocketed his phone, and then said, “The bar.”
Hand in hand we walked into the bar.
With Mr. Anderson at our backs.
Seeing us, her face paled, instantly, and had the nerve to ask, “How did you get out?”
“Funny you should ask that Jewell,” I told her just as two cops walked in behind Mr. Anderson.
And he pointed at her.
Jewell looked around, and before she could take off and run, Isla moved to block her, so did Tabitha who had started working again for us, Gracie, and Shelly.
Frank moved in on the other side of them.
As well as a few patrons.
And one woman called from the back, “This serves you right for trying to flirt with my husband.”
“You shouldn’t have come after him because my lawyer is coming after you.”
And with that, the cops arrested Jewell for making a false police report, and Abel grinned, “If you didn’t know it, you’re fired.”
How many times have you wanted to say that?” I asked him.
He winked down at me, “More times than you can imagine.
Remember how I said Jewell wasn’t stupid? Yeah, I take that back.
Come to find out, Jewell had dropped to her knees and did all three cops that showed up to Abel and used the videos she had to blackmail them.
Needless to say, they were fired immediately and since it all happened while they were on duty, and internal affairs had come in, not to mention, all of them? Yep, they were married. Two of the wives left, but one of them, a poor girl, chose to stay.
And that was the last time that our bubble was popped.
Over the next couple of months, Abel and I settled in.