Page 32 of Old-Fashioned

Jewell – Amazing food. Candlelight. The works.

Shelly – Great music. Great food. Something fun.

Tabitha – Barbeque, all the way. Some kind of sport thrown in there.

Birdie – Back of a bike. Food from the diner in a picnic basket. Music playing. Open field somewhere.

And hearing Birdie’s answer? I was kicking my fucking ass because I had a shot with her.

And I fucking blew it.

But there was no way in hell I was allowing her to go on a date with anyone but me.

Consequences be damned.

And for the rest of her answers, I had a lot of soul-searching to do.

“Right on ladies. Okay. Second question. What is your biggest pet peeve?”

The crowd chuckled.

Isla – Men thinking that they buy dinner they get easy access.

Jewell – A man not opening the door for me.

Shelly – Freaking people who don’t know how to use their turn signals.

Tabitha – Men who think that women can’t do something.

Birdie – Yelling at a child because you're miserable.

I could feel it. Fucking hell. Why did she have to be so fucking perfect?

Every man was salivating for her.

“Third question. Who’s your biggest crush?”

Isla – Jason Momoa.

Jewell – Travis Kelce.

Shelly – Jason Statham.

Tabitha – Sam Elliott.

Birdie – Someone in this bar, but he needs to pull his head out of his ass and apologize.

And I wasn’t going to lie, Frank, Baker, Caelan, Isla’s, and Birdie’s eyes all came to me.

I had told Baker and Caelan what went down this morning and needless to say, they both agreed, I was a dumb fuck.

“Fourth question. Sweet or Spicy?”

Isla – Spicy.

Jewell – Spicy.

Shelly – Neither. Salty.