Page 79 of Old-Fashioned

Then I looked at our mountain scape, and then locked my eyes with his and smiled, “And I’ve found it. With you. Now, all we need is for our love to create a child, and that will make my every dream and desire come true.”

And with those words, he pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, wanting to pour all the love I could into this man.

And I knew I succeeded, because gone was the indecision in his eyes, and in its place was nothing but love, and trust.


In the weeks leading up to the big day, that love, and trust, had grown ten-fold.

We were busy with the bar and planning the wedding, and thankfully, we were both simple creatures.

I had found the perfect dress while I was out shopping with Isla and Priscilla.

The flowers were ordered. And yes, they were passion flowers.

Rich was building us an arbor.

The priest was arranged.

The chairs were ordered.

The food was catered.

The cake was planned out, and I was so glad that Priscilla wanted to make it.

Abel asked Caelan to be his best man and Baker a groomsman.

Isla was my matron of honor, and Priscilla was my bridesmaid.

We didn’t do it on purpose putting Baker and Priscilla together. I promise.

Caelan’s kids were the ring bearer, and the flower girl.

Wouldn’t it be comical to find out the morning of our wedding that we were going to have a baby?

I sat there, on the toilet in my white bra, and lace panties around my ankles as I stared at the pregnancy test.

And I knew when he had gotten me pregnant.

See, I couldn’t take a birth control pill, it did something funny to my uterus.

And the only thing I could do was the shot.

Which needed to be administered every three months.

And it just so happened that two weeks after we had gotten engaged, I had gotten the flu.

Between that, the wedding planning, the moving, and the bar, both of us had forgotten about me needing to get my shot again.

And neither one of us had remembered up until this point, at least I hadn’t.

But the four tests I had taken just now, all showed two little pink lines in the form of a plus sign.

The past couple of mornings, smells that used to not bother me, started to bother me, and there was the fact that last night, after Abel made love to me, softly mind you, and my breasts were sore before he spent the night at Caelan’s… that prompted me to run out this morning and get the tests.

Knowing it was bad luck, but needing Abel, I called through the bathroom door, “Isla?”