Page 74 of Old-Fashioned

I nodded, “Yeah, Baby girl, need anything else?”

“Nope. Love you.” She whispered softly.

And damn if I didn’t feel that all the way to my marrow, softly, I whispered back, “Love you too.”

An hour later I was walking into the house, the sounds of Caelan’s kids laughing in the living room.

This… this is what I wanted to come home to everyday.

My woman.

And if we were able to have kids, they would just be a bonus.

Once we roasted marshmallows, we settled into the living room and watched Caelan’s fight.

The antics of the kids as they tried to mimic their father’s moves had all of us laughing while cheering Caelan on.

He won, of course. His record was twenty-eight KO’s and one loss.

Yes, he was a beast in the octagon.

After we put the kids to bed in the living room after they made a fort, I lay there staring up at the ceiling with Birdie curled into my body.

Her head on my chest, one delicious thigh curled over my legs, that my fingers were skimming over, and her hair, wild and resting over my arm.

Ideas were running rampant through my mind on how I could ask her to marry me.

Should I go with romance, yes, she deserved it.

Should I go with the caveman routine and just slip the ring on her finger? I liked that idea too.

But… well… this was Birdie and me. She didn’t want wine and flowers.

No, she preferred the simple things in life.

And knowing my woman, I knew just what I wanted to do.

Once I was sure she was dead to the world, and had rolled over to her side, I carefully got out of bed, pulled on a pair of pajama pants, and quietly walked through the house and to the front door.

Praying the alarm beeps wouldn’t wake the kids up.

When I heard nothing, I opened the door and then headed out to my truck.

Once I had the ring box in my hand, I locked the truck back up and headed back to my woman.

But first, I made sure I reset the alarm.

Seeing her lying there in my bed, I wished I had my phone so I could take another picture of her like this.

Walking to her side, I carefully lifted her left hand up just enough, took the ring out of the box, and then slid it on her finger.

Once I pressed a light kiss on it, I rounded the bed, pulled off my pajama pants, and crawled back in, settling my front to her back.

With my arms around her, her scent filling my senses, I finally drifted off to sleep.

Oh, but how I wished I had cameras in the house.

I didn’t want to miss a single second of watching her when she realized something was on her hand.