Chapter 14
I wasn’t going to say a word.
I kept my hands loose, my body was quietly simmering, but I swear to Christ, if he asked the words I could see forming in his mind, I wouldn’t be held accountable for my actions.
What I didn’t consider… was my Birdie.
Because the moment his mouth muttered the words, “Well, I got a feeling that you won’t let me slide into her tight pussy, but perhaps, I think, the way you look, the kind of man you are, you won’t complain if I slide into her ass. I’d…”
The drink that Birdie was about to put to her lips found itself flung into the man’s face. The sight of the bright red liquid trailing down his face was enough.
But it didn’t feel enough.
Nowhere fucking close.
And when I saw him move to strike her, I wrapped my hand around her waist, and pulled her behind me, then glared menacingly at the punk ass little bitch and snarled, “That move would have ended up with you in an early grave. Now, before I lose my shit, completely, it would be best if you left my fucking bar.”
It would seem, perhaps, that the man did have some working brain cells.
I didn’t move, and neither did Birdie, not until the man was out of my bar.
Turning around, I wrapped my hand around the side of Birdie’s neck, leaned my head down, until my forehead was touching hers, and then I whispered, “Appreciate, you defending us, Baby girl, but I’m telling you, if he had reacted and I hadn’t been here. I would’ve…”
Everything that was about to come out of my mouth was stopped when she placed two of her little fingers in front of my lips, silently telling me to shut up.
“I know. You would have stomped a mud hole in his ass. I love you, Abel Black, but if you don’t stop treating me like I’m so freaking fragile, then I’m going to make your life a living hell.”
And with that, she turned away from me and started walking away.
My feet were frozen.
Did she not realize the effect she had on me with those three little words?
I was thinking she didn’t… not with the way her ass was swaying as she walked away from me, and then… I’m thinking she did, because she looked over her shoulder, and when my eyes glanced up it was to see her wink at me.
Without thinking, I charged in her direction, ignoring the patrons that grumbled as I shoved them out of my way.
The moment she was in my line of sight, I took three giant steps, lifted her, spun her, and threw her over my shoulder, and stomped to my office.
All the while the little minx thrown over my shoulder was giggling.
As soon as I kicked the door shut, she said, “Well, it took you long enough.
Swiping my hand across my desk, I didn’t give a rat’s ass where anything flew, no, the only thing I cared about was flipping her, sitting her ass on the edge of my desk.
Once she was in place, I cupped her face in my hands, and only then did I whisper, “I’ve had tons of people tell me that they love me. Tons, Birdie. But none of them. Not a fucking one of them has ever made it mean like I was just handed the entire world with those three words.”
“Show me,” she whispered against my lips.
I smirked, then tilted my hand, “Are you a fan of these leggings?”
The moment she shook her head in the negative, I gripped them between her crotch, ripped them in half, and didn’t pay attention to how the material fell all the while I was undoing my belt, unbuttoning my jeans, and lowering my fly.
The only thing I paid attention to was the feel of sliding into my home, un-fucking-gloved.
If this was how heaven felt… I never wanted to know what the actual Heaven entailed, because where I was standing, I was already fucking there.