Page 100 of Rook

Her repeated use of the word ‘again’ is only mildly annoying. Svea is a great assistant, and I’ve come to realize that my job would be a hell of a lot harder if I didn’t have her to depend on.

“It died,” I admit. “I’ll have it charged up within the hour.”

Joan wanders away to set the tea kettle back on the stove.

Like Maura, Joan has a distinct love of tea. Her collection rivals Maura’s, and even though I’m not a tea drinker, I indulged in a few cups today.

The old adage of doing whatever it takes to satisfy the client comes to mind.

“Anything I need to know about?” I ask.

“Kirby is great,” she assures me. “I called Chesca about ten minutes ago to check in. She appreciated it, I think. We had a nice chat about the guy she’s dating.”

A smile parts my lips. “Good. He does sound like a good guy.”

I don’t know much about Brian Borges other than what Chesca told me after their first date last week. He’s an architect with a son a year younger than Kirby. Chesca plans to introduce both of them to our daughter at some point, but she doesn’t want that to happen until she’s sure the relationship is heading somewhere.

“Anything else?” I press, because it’s nearing seven and I want to surprise Carrie by being the one sprawled naked on the bed in the hotel suite when she arrives.

“Carrie Gilbert called,” she says with a light laugh. “She said you didn’t need to call her back, but maybe you could when your phone is up and running? It sounds like she wants to discuss the mural for Abby’s baby.”

I run a finger over my bottom lip. “Sure. I’ll do that.”

“Chesca filled me in on the perfume gift that Carrie made for Kirby.” I hear the smile within her words. “It made Chesca emotional. I got misty eyed, too. Kirby deserves all of these wonderful people in her life.”

“I agree,” I say, holding my emotions at bay.

My daughter does deserve all the good people in her life. I wish I could say the same for me. I want to be worthy of Carrie, but her soul is filled with light. I’m a jaded lawyer who hasn’t always done right by the people he cares about.

I was a jerk when I was younger. I used my family’s resources to gain favor with women and even once tried to bribe a professor in college into improving my grade.

I’ve changed since I’ve become a dad, but I still know I can improve. I want to. I want to be the type of man who Carrie is proud of.

“Are you off the clock for the night?” Svea asks. “Or is there something you need help with?”

“I’m done.” I huff out a laugh. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You know it.” She pauses before going on, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, boss.”

“Night,” I say before I end the call.

When I turn around to search for Joan, I find her standing right behind me with a cell phone charger dangling from her fingers. “I found one in the junk drawer.”

Huffing out a laugh, I shake my head since I know the hotel suite has an array of phone chargers in the drawer of the foyer table. “You have a junk drawer?”

“Doesn’t everyone?” She smiles. “You don’t want to hang around and use this?”

“I can’t.” I pocket my phone before glancing at my watch.

“Hot date?”

Those words don’t come close to capturing what I’ll experience with Carrie tonight. “I’m meeting a remarkable woman for a few hours.”

Her gaze trails over my face. “Does your mother know you’re in love?”

“Who said I’m in love?”

“You didn’t have to.” She pats the center of my chest. “It’s what you didn’t say.”