Page 82 of Rook

Posey’s laughter filters in from the hallway. I turn to see her approaching the three of us. “You must have inherited the lawyer gene from your dad, Kirby. It’s a great argument, but I don’t think you’ll win this case.”

Rook rakes a hand through his hair as he stares at his daughter.

I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to say no to her, so I step in to save him from that. “I’d really miss Cindy if she were gone tonight, and all her things are here.”

Kirby looks right at me. “I don’t want you to miss her, Carrie, so I think she needs to stay here. Will you kiss her for me when you tuck her into bed tonight?”

I nod. “I’ll do that for sure.”

“Like this?” She demonstrates by tenderly lifting the kitten’s head before kissing her softly right between her ears.

“I’ll do it just like that.”

“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” she whispers. “I’m talking ever.”

Touched by that, I lean forward in the chair I’m sitting in. “You’re a great friend, too, Kirby.”

“It’s Kirbs to you,” she tells me as she glances at her dad.

Rook laughs, and she joins him, tapping her small hand on his knee. “I love you, Daddy.”

Brushing her bangs to the side, he kisses the middle of her forehead. “I love you more, Kirby. I love you so much more.”

A phone ringing breaks the moment.

Posey holds her hands in the air. “Mine’s in the nursery, so it’s not me.”

“I don’t have a phone.” Kirby glares at her dad. “Someone in this room says I’m not old enough.”

“That would be me.” Rook pushes to stand. “I am old enough to have one, and it’s ringing.”

Still clinging to Cindy, Kirby slides to her feet. “Is it Mommy?”

Posey shoots me a smile. “Her mom is Chesca Mills. Talk about gorgeous, right?”

I return the smile, but that’s all I offer.

“It is Mommy.” Rook glances at his daughter before he quickly looks in my direction. “I’ll take it in the kitchen.”

As he walks away, he answers the call, “Hey.”

Kirby’s gaze volleys from my face to Posey’s and then back again. “I think Mommy wants us to have dinner with her. Don’t tell anyone, but Daddy likes when she cooks eggplant and puts cheese on it. She puts extra on Daddy’s piece.”

“I won’t tell a soul.” Posey raises her hand. “I swear.”

“You swear, too, Carrie,” Kirby demands with a sweet little smile.

I follow Posey’s lead and raise a hand, too. “I swear.”

“What exactly are you swearing to?” Rook asks as he rounds the corner to enter the main living area again.

“She can’t tell!” Kirby screams. “It’s a secret, Daddy.”

His eyes catch mine. “I hope it’s a good one.”

It’s not. It’s one that is making me feel insecure in a way it shouldn’t. Rook and Chesca share a child. They lived together for years, so it makes sense that she’d know exactly what he likes to eat.

“Are we going to see Mommy for dinner?” Kirby asks with hope edging her tone.