Page 80 of Rook

It may not be ideal that my daughter is with me, but given my closeness to Abby and Declan, it was only a matter of time before they met.

“Hey, Carrie!” Holden calls out as we near them.

“Is she involved with that guy she’s sitting next to?” Milo asks in a whisper.

I shoot him a pointed look over my shoulder. “He’s her best friend, and she’s not interested in you.”

“You know this how?” he presses as we continue navigating around tables filled with diners.

All I offer in response is a shake of my head.

By the time I’m at the table with my little girl’s hand still holding mine, Carrie is on her feet and in Holden’s arms.

“Ah, I get it,” Milo whispers into my ear. “She’s got a thing for Holden.”


“She doesn’t,” I direct that right at my brother’s face. “Drop it, Milo.”

He tosses his hands in the air as if surrendering, but it’s delivered with a smirk.

“I’m Kirby Thorsen.” My daughter bulldozes her way into the middle of the embrace to tug on the bottom hem of Carrie’s sweater. “You’re Auntie Abby’s sister.”

Holden steps back to give Kirby the room she wants.

With an offered hand, Carrie smiles. “I am. It’s nice to meet you, Kirby Thorsen.”

Kirby shakes Carrie’s hand with all the exuberance you’d expect from a giddy five-year-old. “I like your glasses.”

Since Kirby is once again donning the lens free red frames on her face, Carrie returns the compliment. “I like your glasses, too.”

“They make me smarter.” Kirby sighs. “Do yours make you smart? Are you a lawyer like Auntie Abby?”

“I’m a chemist,” Carrie explains thoughtfully. “I make new perfumes in a lab.”

“I do, too,” Telford chimes in.

Kirby glances at him. “You have nice glasses, too. I’m Kirby.”

“Telford.” He pats her shoulder lightly.

After offering Telford a smile, Kirby’s attention is right back on Carrie. “A chemist sounds fun. I have a chemistry set. Is it like that?”

Before Carrie can say another word, I jump into the discussion. “It’s kind of like that. Carrie is a scientist, Kirby. She’s developed some of the best fragrances in the world. In fact, the cologne I wear every day is one of Carrie’s creations. She’s brilliant and incredibly kind. She’s truly a remarkable woman.”

All eyes focus on me, including Carrie’s.

“Busted,” Milo whispers over my shoulder. “Someone has it bad for Carrie, and it sure as hell isn’t Holden.”

I didn’t confirm or deny my brother’s suspicions because it’s none of his goddamn business. Beyond that, I don’t know if what I’m feeling for Carrie is related to the high I’m still riding from the sex last night or if I’m developing feelings for her.

Right now, I’d say it’s a mix of both.

“Can I come to your lab?” Kirby directs that question at Carrie but almost immediately shifts her gaze to Telford. “I think I could help. My mom has a lot of perfumes. I know what smells good and what’s stinky.”

She accentuates her point by clamping two fingers over her nose and sticking out her tongue.

Telford follows suit and does the same.