Page 47 of Rook


That caught her off guard.

Her hand started trembling, almost causing the water within it to crest the rim of the glass and spill over, but she regained her composure and set it back down.

Her eyes are on me now. They’re the color of emeralds. It’s so stunning that it’s impossible not to stare at her.

Fuck, she’s beautiful.

“Define a long time, Rook.”

This is territory I thought I could avoid, but it’s a direct question, and she’s asking it from a vulnerable place, so she deserves the truth.

It’s all I want to give her.

Well, that and a first time experience that will live in her memory for eternity.

“Since the day I met you,” I confess.

Her hand jumps to the arm of her eyeglasses. She touches it briefly, not adjusting it, just resting a finger against it for a second. “Since then?”

“Yes.” I nod. “When I opened Abby’s office door and saw you there, the attraction hit me like a bus.”

She picks up her glass and sips from it in an effort to hide a smile, but it’s a fail.

Silence is an attorney’s worst enemy, so I keep talking, “I don’t have to tell you how stunning you are, and you’re brilliant. You’re accomplished. All of it makes me want you, Carrie.”

“You want to make love to me?”

The question is so innocent and filled with a tenderness that doesn’t reflect all the things…the filthy things… I ache to do to her, so I just nod.

Her eyes search my face, but they don’t find what they’re looking for because she gazes up to the ceiling as if the heavens will drop the answers she needs.

“You must think it’s bizarre that I haven’t done it yet.” She lowers her chin to lock eyes with me. “I have my reasons, but suffice it to say that I have a plan worked out to take care of it.”

All I need to hear is that the plan involves a bed and me sometime today.

The question is begging to be asked, and my curiosity needs an answer, so I go for it. “What’s the plan?”

“Nitespark,” she spits that out. “It’s an app. You can hookup with people on it for sex.”

“I’m aware.” Now is not the time to delve into the fact that my younger brother is shepherding that enterprise.

“I signed up for it a few days ago.”

Not what I wanted to hear after confessing that I want to fuck her raw, but I listen because she may be leading me down a path that will end with my cock buried deep inside of her.

“All right,” I say in a level tone.

“I have sex scheduled into my life plan on my thirtieth birthday.”

There was snow on the ground when Abby made the call to order the lavender roses, so if she’s holding out until then, I’m going to need a hell of a lot more lube to keep up the self-satisfaction routine I’ve been engaging in lately.

“You’re going to have sex with a stranger months from now on your thirtieth birthday,” I summarize. “That’s the plan?”

Her hand runs over her chin before it sets on a slow path down the front of her neck. It’s a move that shouldn’t look as graceful as it does since she’s wearing a T-shirt, but it’s sensual. It’s fucking hot.

“I think maybe it was the plan.”