Page 97 of Rook

I step closer to the finished mural and take in as much as I can. It’s so much more beautiful than I imagined it would be. Posey’s artistic talents are profound.

“You are so gifted,” I tell her. “Posey, you need to show this off to the world.”

She waves her phone in the air. “I am. I posted a few finished pictures of it to my socials.”

“Good.” I nod as I turn to face her. “I’m truly in awe of it. I think my sister will be in tears when she sees it for the first time.”

Her hands leap to the center of her chest. “That’s all I can hope for.”

My gaze drops to the watch on my wrist. “Have you eaten yet? We can order something in for dinner?”

“Or we could go visit my brother in Brooklyn?” Her eyebrows dance. “You’re both single.”

“I’m not,” I blurt out, unsure why I would express vocally what my heart is feeling.

I’m falling in love with Rook, and since I spent time with him and his daughter at the lab earlier, I’ve been lost in thoughts of what it would be like to be part of their everyday lives.

“You’re seeing someone?” Her lips curve up. “Since when?”

“It’s new.” I rub the center of my forehead. “Really new, and I’m not sure where it’s going, but I’m not interested in anyone else right now.”

“Does Telford know?”

The question surprises me enough that I take a step back. “No. Why?”

She sighs. “I was talking to him earlier, and he was the one who suggested I take you to see Elio. I think he just wants you to be as happy as he is.”

“I am happy,” I insist. “I don’t want Tel to get his hopes up about my future. I don’t know what that looks like right now, so I want to keep this new relationship quiet.”

She mimes locking her lips closed with a key before playfully tossing it over her shoulder. “I won’t tell a soul.”

I reach forward to squeeze her forearm. “Thank you, Posey.”

“I need you to keep a secret for me, too.” She bows her head before her eyes latch onto mine.

“I will,” I assure her. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“I’m craving pasta from Calvetti’s.” She laughs. “Elio would be heartbroken if he knew that I was passing on his food to indulge in Mrs. Calvetti’s spaghetti, but I need it bad.”

Laughing, I start toward the guestroom door. “Let’s go there. Dinner is on me. You’ve created something I know my sister will treasure forever. I can’t thank you enough for that.”



After plucking a piece of lint from the skirt of my gray dress, I shift my gaze back to my phone’s screen.

I know what Rook told me the last time we were at this hotel, but I still wish he would have texted me back at some point this afternoon.

I read the text message I sent to him about an hour ago.

Carrie: I’m going to the hotel at 6. That’s okay, right?

When he didn’t respond by five thirty, I tried calling his cell, but it went straight to voicemail. That’s when I typed out another text message, hoping it would grab his attention.

Carrie: I’m going to soak in that heavenly tub before you arrive. As promised, you’ll find me naked on the bed at 8 sharp.

A quick glance at my phone tells me it’s almost six, so I should hop on the elevator and make my way up to the suite. Not wanting to take advantage of Rook’s generosity, I dial his office number.