Page 58 of Rook

This is way more than I planned for, but it’s everything I want.

I nod like a fool, my head bouncing up and down.

He quiets it with a finger on my chin. “I called for a car to take you home. He’s rounding the corner now.”

“Okay,” I say, unable to tear my gaze from his striking face to glance over my shoulder to where the car must be approaching.

“I’d kiss you goodnight, but the first time I kiss you will make me weak in the knees, so let’s save that for when we’re alone.”

I smile. “It’s hard to imagine you being weak in the knees.”

“I’ve been that way since I first saw you in Abby’s office.” He drops his gaze to my dress. “I wanted to do things to you ever since then.”

“What things?” My voice comes out ragged and edged with need.

He leans so close that his lips skim my neck. “Many, many things, but I’d start with a taste of your pussy.”

Anticipation courses through me. I feel light-headed, and at the same time, there’s an undeniable ache between my legs.

He pulls back just enough to kiss me softly on the cheek. “Thank you for tonight, Carrie.”

“Same,” I say because I literally cannot form another word.

He lets out a deep-seated chuckle. “I’ll be in touch soon to further discuss your rules and our plans.”

I nod. “Yes. Okay.”

As the driver steers the SUV close to the curb, Rook takes my hand to lead me toward the vehicle. I slide in when he opens the back passenger door. He speaks to the driver briefly, asking him to repeat back the address to Abby’s building.

“Goodnight, Carrie.” His gaze travels over my face.

“Goodnight,” I whisper back before he shuts the door and leaves me with a desperate need to be fucked that I’ve never felt before.



Naturally, I had to resort to my hand for a release tonight. I may have had a condom in my wallet, but I knew going into dinner with Carrie that the chances of fucking her tonight were very slim, bordering on nearly impossible.

She’s a planner. She proved that tonight when she explained how she expects her future to play out. I give her credit for constructing a roadmap she’s committed to, but only time will tell if she sticks to it.

I stand from the chair in my home office and stretch my arms over my head. I’m shirtless, wearing only a pair of black silk pajama bottoms. There’s a bite of cold in the air, but I don’t mind it. The chill may not be cooling off the incessant heat I feel whenever Carrie seeps into my thoughts, but it is keeping me awake, and since I have at least two more hours of work to get through, I need whatever help I can get.

I curse when I hear my phone chime again. It’s at least the tenth time in the past hour. It’s nearing midnight, but it’s not uncommon for clients to want to get a jump on their morning business. Many try to circumvent Svea by reaching out directly to me. I forward all of those to my assistant so she can deal with them once she’s at the office.

I drop my gaze to my phone, which is sitting atop my desk. When I read the message, I sit back down and scoop the phone into my hands.

This message is unexpected and welcome. I scroll through every message that’s arrived since I started ignoring them sixty minutes ago, but this is the only one from Carrie.

Carrie: I’d like to request an amendment. If I rent a room at the Bishop Hotel, can we do it there?

I haven’t referred to fucking as ‘doing it’ since college, but when Carrie does it, it’s nothing but charming.

I type back a quick response and press send.

Rook: My firm has a suite at the Beaumont on Park Ave. It’s ours if that works for you.

Expecting a text reply, I set my phone on the desk so I can dive my hand under the waistband of my pajamas. I’m hard again. The thought of fucking her in that massive hotel suite on every goddamn surface imaginable means I’m going to need to blow my load again before I can even consider sleep.