Page 2 of Delicate

I know most of the people here, as I’m friendly with everyone. But I keep others at a distance, always have, even my roommates, Len and Ev, only know what I let them.

It’s easier that way. And less painful. It’s what a life in the system teaches you, unfortunately.

As I shift my body away from Alex for a bit of breathing room, he tightens his grip more.

“I need to pee,” I whisper in his ear.

“I’ll go with you.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to. I want to say hi to my roommates too. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t take too long.” He squeezes my side before letting me go.

An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach as I walk back inside. It’s hot, crowded, and loud in the unfamiliar house, but I smile and wave at others while I look around for the bathroom. I stumble upon it down a hallway, and luck is on my side because it’s empty. That's surprising, considering how packed the house is.

I lock the door behind me and switch on the light. Leaning on the sink counter, I look in the mirror and inhale deeply.

Fuck, he’s acting like an entitled prick tonight.

More than usual.

With a huff, I push off the tile and wish I could make up some excuse to get out of here. Then again, why should I let him ruin the night?

My phone buzzes, and I pull it out from my bra.

Alex: Did you fall in?

I roll my eyes and click off the screen, shoving it back.

Have things always been so shitty?

A few more deep breaths while I reapply my lipstick and a couple more tugs on my skirt, and I’m ready to return.

But instead of making my way toward Alex, I stop by the kitchen for a drink and then look for my friends.

Except they’re not in the same spot. As I scan the yard for them, my sight lands on Alex and my blood runs cold.

He’s laughing with some chick who's practically sitting on his lap. She leans on the table in front of him and bends forward as she throws her head back in an over-the-top laugh. Her hands land on his shoulders, and when he reaches up to touch her bare legs, I want to puke.

Tears spring to my eyes, but I blink them away and storm back inside. I push through the swarm while I keep my head down and exit through the front door. There are people all around, so I walk around the side of the house and find a small pathway leading toward the back. It’s quiet and dark and just what I need.

I sit on the ground and lean against the house. I squeeze my eyes shut tight and will the tears away.

I won’t jump to conclusions. Maybe she’s a friend…or a cousin…or…

Shit, I’m an idiot.

“Fuck. Of course he is,” a deep voice grumbles. A familiar deep voice.

When I open my eyes, they sting from the brightness of a phone screen and a tall figure stands still, his posture rigid. His broad stature fills up the whole space, and my breath catches.

“Here we go again,” he says as his fingers fly over his phone screen. Damn, he’s a fast texter. I’m mesmerized for a second until it dawns on me who it is.


He jumps back and spins around so fast that I can’t help but giggle. He’s dressed up as a police officer, and I must say, he looks pretty damn good.

I wave and grin sheepishly as he shines his phone in my face. “Sorry. Did I scare you?”