Page 72 of Delicate

Her words replay in my head.

She looked so happy in Florida. On the beach, out in the sun, and laughing with my family.

Could it be possible?

My stomach twirls and spins like a Tilt-A-Whirl, and I collapse on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

What should I do? What should I do?

I picture her smiling as she watches me surf from the shore, cheering me on from the sidelines. I win the trophy and run over to her, picking her up in my arms and spinning her around. Our lips connect, and I’m so fucking happy.

The pieces click.

My thoughts calm down.

Everything makes sense.

I never noticed the way she laughs, or the way the sunlight shines on her honey-brown hair, until one day that was all I could see. It was all I could see.

Maia is my girl. The perfect one for me.

It’s time to go get her.

* * *

Lennox and Everleigh help me plan a surprise picnic on the beach. We place a blanket down and set up a canopy over the top, which we string fairy lights along. I toss down a couple of pillows and place the basket full of her favorite foods next to them.

Lennox grins. “She’s going to love it. Simple yet gorgeous.”

Ev squeals and claps. “Yes, she will! It’s so romantic.”

“I hope so.”

“I’m glad you came to your damn senses, Rhett. I was losing faith in you,” Len says.

“Why, thanks. I’m glad I did too. She’s one of a kind.”

“Break her heart, and we kill you and throw you in the ocean,” Len says with a big smile on her face.

I chuckle nervously. It’s hard to tell just how serious she’s being.

“Just kidding!” She hugs me and then steps back. “Let’s go get her, Ev. Good luck, Rhett.”

Ev hugs me too, and then I sit and wait for my girl to arrive.

It feels like hours when I finally hear her laughter. It’s like damn music to my ears.

When she comes into view, my heart thumps so hard that I’m afraid it might crack a rib.

She looks gorgeous. She looks perfect.

She’s all mine.

“Rhett?” She stops short and looks at Lennox. “What the hell is going on, Len? I thought we were going to a party.”

“This is the party, Maia. Just trust me, okay? I wouldn’t steer you wrong.” Len pulls her in for a hug and gives me a thumbs-up over her shoulder.

Then she takes off, leaving Maia standing there, staring at me.