Page 58 of Delicate

“She’s gonna look so hot!” Emily says, and Maia’s cheeks turn pink.

I laugh. “I’m stealing her back now. We have plans.”

“You do? Where?” Emily asks.

“I’m taking her on a tour, and then we’re hitting the beach.”

“Ooh nice!” Emily says. Zoey and her hug Maia and then disappear into the kitchen.

“You need a minute to change or anything? Or maybe show me what you bought?”

Maia grins. “Yes, I need to change, and no, you aren’t seeing anything yet! It’s a surprise!”

“Okay, fine. Meet me in the car,” I tell her as I watch her walk up the stairs to her room. My eyes drop down at her ass in those cutoffs. I mean, how can I not? It sways perfectly from side to side, and fuck…

“Are you staring at her ass?” Zoey asks.

I jump and whip my head around. “No, what are you talking about?”

“Hmm, sure. Whatever you say. Break her heart, and I will kick your ass.”

I look back at the stairs to make sure Maia isn’t still there, then I turn and face my brave little sister. “Really? You? Kick my ass? Ha! Besides, you barely know her. You’re gonna take her side over mine?”

“If it comes to girl code, then you’re damn right I will. Don’t be an ass.”

I scoff. “I never am. But thanks for the tips, lil sis.” I toss her a thumbs-up, grab the surfing gear I left by the door, and slip outside.

“I mean it, Rhett!” Zoey says.

What’s with her? Usually, she’d ignore me half the time.

What she doesn’t know is I’d never break Maia’s heart. Because I won’t allow her to give it to me.

* * *

The next few days go by in a whirlwind of activity. I take Maia on drives through my town and show her all of my favorite places. We hang out at the beach, and I give her more surfing lessons.

Ryan finally arrives, and it’s a happy reunion. He joins us on the beach and surfs, too, along with Zoey and Emily. The girls show Maia more tricks, and the day is full of fun and laughs.

The rest of my siblings begin to arrive, and Maia is introduced to everyone. I thought she might become overwhelmed, but she takes it in stride and gets along with everyone. She reminds me of myself a lot: easy, carefree, and sociable with all.

I admire her from across the room, where she laughs with my siblings. They’re all playing the card game gin rummy and fiercely competitive. I think it’s hilarious.

It’s crazy that it feels as if she’s always been a part of the family. She blends in seamlessly.

Her eyes find mine, and she smiles so brightly and waves me over. Her skin tanned a bit over the past couple of days, the Florida sun treating her well. I’ve noticed more freckles on her cheeks and nose, and the blond in her hair really stands out.

“You having fun?” I ask, and she nods.

“Want to join?”

“Nah, I suck at card games. They’ll whoop my ass.”

“Yeah, we will, you little pussy!” Brad says, and my mom shoots him an evil glare as everyone else laughs.

Tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner, and to say my mom is freaking out would be an understatement. The following morning, we head over to the venue, check into the hotel, and get ready for my big brother to get hitched.

I couldn’t be more happy Maia is here with me to share it all.