Page 54 of Delicate

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I get too defensive about my past, I know.”

“Don’t apologize. I would’ve said the same thing if I were you. So because I’m smack dab in the middle of the family, I kind of have a more go-with-the-flow type personality. I mean, this is all my opinion, but I think I make a good point. I’m used to all types of personalities, big and small, and I didn’t really cause much strife for my parents. I sort of flew under the radar so to speak. And often I got overlooked. The older kids were experiencing firsts while the younger ones are still the babies. Most of the time, it doesn’t bother me. But sometimes it does. When it does bother me, I feel guilty as fuck for even feeling this way. Now, with the wedding, my parents are even more occupied. Which is fine. It’s their first.”

My heart thumps faster in my chest. I reach for his hand and thread his fingers with me like he did mere minutes ago. I squeeze. “We can’t help the way we feel. Do any of your other siblings feel the same?”

Rhett nods. “My younger brother, Ryan, does. And sometimes my sister Kate.”

I laugh as I take my hand back and rest it on my lap. “Okay, I need a breakdown of names and the order of your million siblings.”

Rhett laughs with me. “It’s a lot. Are you ready?”

“Not really.”

He snickers. “Chuck is the oldest, the one getting married, then there’s Brad, who is a professional surfer.”

“Wow. So that’s where all your skills come from.”

“Ha! You think so. I’m just a natural.” Rhett smirks.

Damn him and his cuteness.

“Next is Melissa, who is an elementary school teacher, and then Kate, who is a bartender.”

“Okay, got it.”

“Then yours truly, the best of the bunch, is next. Born at the end of July and full-on fire sign.”

I laugh. “Yes, we know you’re a Leo.”

“Next up is Ryan. He’s only two years younger than me and the sibling I’m closest to. Age wise and as far as how tight we are. I spent the most time with him growing up, and we spent most of our days at the beach surfing together. Last, there’s the two baby girls of the family, Zoey and then the youngest, Emily.”

“Wow. How the hell am I supposed to remember all that?”

“You’re not. I’ll be by your side the whole time. Don’t worry.”

“Except for when your mom whisks me away somewhere or your sisters take me shopping. Then what?”

“Then you just mess up their names. Who cares?”

“I care!” I laugh, and Rhett laughs harder.

“This is gonna be fun.”

“For you, sure. For me? I’m gonna be mortified when I call Emily by the name of Kate or Melissa.”

“Look at you! You’re already doing way better than I thought you would.”

“Wow, dude. Such little faith. I’ll make up a song with the names and chant it in my head. Chuck, Brad, Melissa, Kate,” I sing. “Then there’s Ryan, Zoey, and Emily!”

“You got it! See! Easy peasy,” Rhett says just as we pass over the border into Florida. “Finally! We made it! My home state! Nice to see you!”

My stomach twists and turns as I realize we’re not far now. So many people to meet.

I have this.

I hope.

* * *