Page 43 of Delicate

Because instead of being put down all the time or called ugly names, I’m actually enjoying myself.

I’m laughing. Like so much my cheeks hurt.

I’m going to bed with a smile instead of tears.

I look forward to spending time with Rhett.

And I constantly convince myself that he’s a friend and my feelings for him are nothing more than platonic. But who the fuck am I kidding?

Definitely not myself.

Rhett and I spend the afternoon surfing. I’m actually standing on the board now while in the water. Shocker, I know. But balancing for more than five seconds? That’s a different story.

“You’ll get it. Maybe you need to practice balancing in general. Is there anything you can balance on at home?” Rhett says on our way to the orphanage. We’re having dinner there tonight and collecting more flyers to hand out about the toy drive.

I laugh because the question sounds so absurd. “Uh, I don’t think so. Like what?”

“How about I put the surfboard on the edge of the couch?”

My eyes widen, and my mouth drops open. “What? Are you crazy? Do you want me to die?!”

“Whoa, slow down. No one is dying. It’s not far from the ground.” Rhett smirks.

“It’s far enough! Especially for my unbalanced ass that’ll definitely end up on the floor.”

“That is true. Good point.”

“Wow, you’re really asking for it, huh, mister.”

“Depends what it is.” Rhett winks.

“A punch to the throat,” I tease.

Now Rhett’s the one who looks shocked. “Damn, Mi. Why do you need to be so violent? Who shit on your waffles?”

“Shit on my waffles? Ew!” I laugh. “You’re gross.”

“Nah, more like hilarious.”

As soon as we arrive, a few kids run over to Rhett. They jump up and down, and all yell his name, vying for his attention.

“Look at this warm welcome you get, Rhett!” I smile. “They love you.”

A little girl named Whitney, one I’ve grown close to over the past couple of years, tugs on my hand. I look down at her big, innocent brown eyes, the sadness in them hard to miss. Oh sweet girl, what have you been through?

I kneel, and she smiles wide. Her front teeth are missing, and it makes her more adorable. “Hi, sweetie.”

“Miss Maia! I wanted to give you a warm welcome. Just like Rhett.” Her little voice melts my heart. I open my arms for a hug, and she jumps right in.

“My sweet girl. Want to know a secret?”

She nods her head with lots of enthusiasm.

I lean down and whisper in her ear, “You’re my favorite.”

She squeals and covers her mouth with both of her tiny hands. She giggles so much her whole body shakes. I squeeze her tighter. If I can give her a moment of happiness, a moment of love, anything to take the look of sadness out of her eyes for a mere second, then I’ll feel like I matter. That I meant something to these kids.

These beautiful kids deserve a chance at life like the rest of us.