Page 40 of Delicate

“Oh. Okay, then.”

“It sounds harsh, but if I give him even a little bit, he’ll barrel his way in again. And if the past tells me anything, it’s that each time will be harder than the last.”

“I’m proud of you.” He smiles at me with such warmth, such care, it radiates through me, and my steps feel lighter, more peppy.

“Should’ve done it when he first started his shit.”

“Don’t blame yourself. Love makes us all a little nuts, right? At least that’s what my parents always said. You also can’t change the past. Just gotta move forward.”

“I know. If only.” I let out a sigh just as we reach our destination. But it’s a good sigh, one that releases all the toxic energy Alex suffocated me with. One that makes room for good energy, especially the vibes surrounding this place.

My second home in Sierra Cove.

“We’re here. Ready to meet the kids?”

“I think so.” Rhett grins.

“They’ll love you. How could they not?”

“Stop, you’re making me blush.”

I laugh. “C’mon, everyone’s waiting.”

Alice opens the door and beams. “Yay! Our help is here!” She waves us inside.

“Alice, this is Rhett. Rhett, Alice. He’s our knight in shining armor.”

“You’re much too kind, Maia,” Rhett says. “More like a guy with nothing to do who loves to help. Just don’t trust me with anything related to cooking.” He grimaces.

“He loves to watch cooking shows but still can’t cook,” I explain as Alice leads us into the kitchen.

“Hey now. Are we sharing all our secrets right out the gate?” Rhett asks.

Alice laughs. “It’s all good. We don’t judge around here!”

I smirk at Rhett, and he whispers, “You’ll pay for that.”

“We’ll see about that. Time to show off your volunteer skills.”

And show them off he does.

He peels potatoes, using his hurt hand to hold them and his other for the peeler. He works the same with all the veggies that need peeling. As he peels, I cut.

The ladies fuss around us as we whip through the prep work like a dream team.

Rhett keeps us all laughing, and after we introduced him to the kids, they kept popping their heads in and watching. It’s adorable.

Last to peel and cut are the apples for the apple crisp we make. It’s easy to make a large batch rather than several pies.

I catch Rhett sneaking pieces of apple in his mouth when he thinks I’m not looking.

“Hey! No eating the goods!”

Rhett draws his eyebrows together and shrugs his shoulders. “What are you talking about? I’m minding my business peeling apples.”

“I see that. But you’re also eating slices.”

Rhett pops another apple slice in his mouth. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”