Page 64 of Wolf Obsessed

I shivered and fought the urge to wrap myself in a hug.

Mikey advanced, his gaze never leaving me. “This doesn’t have to be difficult. Come with me peacefully, and nobody has to get hurt.”

I scoffed. “I’ll never go with you. I’d rather die.”

Mikey flinched like I’d slapped him. Did he really think I’d want anything to do with him?

The expression changed all too quickly His eyes lit up, and a large Cheshire grin spread over his face. “That’s okay. I don’t mind doing this the hard way. It’s the hunt that’s the thrill, after all.”

Mikey rubbed his hands together as he took a few more steps forward. Then he growled and lunged.

I screamed and darted to my right, bashing my elbow against the corner of the wall. Pain exploded through my limb, and I hit my hand on the wall as I twirled, just barely getting out of the way of his reach.

Mikey swung at the lamp, sending it careening across the room. It smashed to the floor, making me jump.

He stalked toward me again. “Maybe I should get you a little red cape.”

“What?” I blurted, his question catching me off guard.

I inched along the wall, moving closer to the flames and away from the exit as he advanced toward me. It was a dangerous game of cat and mouse, but if he was here with me, it would let everyone else get away.

He licked his lips. “You’re Red Riding Hood, and I’m the Big Bad Wolf.”

My stomach rolled, and I gagged as bile crept up my throat. “Never!”

He shrugged. “You say that like you have a choice.”

He continued to close the distance between us. I realized too late that I’d backed myself into a corner. I had flames to one side, the wall to my other side and back, and Mikey right in front of me.

The only option I had was to go through him.



Mikey threw his head back and laughed.

I put my hand on the wall and kept the other one clenched by my side to prepare for what came next. He’d underestimated me once, and he was doing it again now.

That was his mistake.

I screamed as I sprinted toward him and rammed him with my shoulder. It knocked him off balance and caught him by surprise.

Pain sliced through my arm. I shook it out and turned into him, jamming my elbow backwards, right into his stomach. I lifted my foot and smashed my heel into his foot.

I spun back around, balled my fist as tight as I could, and punched him right in the nose. It crunched, and blood spurted out.

He stumbled backwards, one hand flying to his nose. I shrieked and kicked out, catching my foot in his groin. He doubled over, and I took the opportunity to scurry past him.

He recovered way too quickly. Grabbing my arm, he slung me around and threw me into the wall.

My face slammed against a picture. The glass cracked, and white spots dotted my vision. I stumbled, and the portrait fell to the floor by my feet.

Mikey gripped my shoulders and swung me around. He smacked both his hands to the wall on either side of my head. “Did you think you could escape me that easily? The only way you’re getting out of this house alive is with me.”

My chest tightened, and I couldn’t breathe. He had me completely blocked in, and the flames crept closer to us, now only a few feet away and hot enough that I worried about them as much as I did Mikey.

Smoke thickened the air, making it hard to breathe.