Page 58 of Wolf Obsessed

Spots dotted my vision as the blinding glare of the lights barreled down on us. The car engine revved. Metal crunched as the bumper rammed into the wooden porch.

Sloane tensed and took a step backward. “Everyone back!”

The vehicle was going much too fast for the porch to stop it. Bits of wood exploded around the car as it surged for the window Sloane and I stood in front of.

I dove for Sloane. “Watch out!”

I grasped her about the waist and tackled her to the ground, rolling us both out of the way seconds before the SUV hit the wall.

The glass window shattered as the wall crumbled. The vehicle stopped, the front end halfway in the front room.

Screams erupted around us, and people ran and shoved, moving for the back door.

Sloane struggled against me and pushed up to her knees. “No. Don’t run. That’s what they want. Stay here. Protect each other. You go out there, they’ll grab you.”

Her warning worked. Most everyone stopped and fell back into place.

I climbed to my feet and offered Sloane my hand to pull her up. “Are you okay?”

She met my gaze with wide eyes. “Yeah. You?”

I gave her a nod and then turned back to the window. The driver of the car slumped over the wheel, unconscious.

But the SUV wasn’t the only car. We just hadn’t been able to tell because they’d had their high beams on.

A large white van pulled up right behind the SUV. A chill shot down my spine as the driver stepped out.


Sweat beaded my brow, and my heart lurched. He reached into the van and pulled something out that looked like a gun.

But it wasn’t a gun.

Oh fuck!

I knew exactly what that was. My dad loved to use the grenade launchers to deploy wolfsbane.

Mikey aimed the barrel at the opening in the window and fired a shot.

I stiffened. “Wolfsbane!”

Shrieks from the others in the room filled the air as the weapon landed by where Sloane stood. She dove for the cannister and grasped it but not fast enough. The gas exploded in a cloud of smoke, hitting her right in the face just as she heaved it out the window.

She dropped to her knees, her hands flying to her face. She covered her eyes with her palms and rubbed.

Another wolfsbane grenade hit the floor right next to her.

I crouched down, snatched up the container, and tossed it out the opening, almost hitting Mikey in the head with it.

He ducked to the right seconds before it struck him, but he wasn’t fast enough to avoid the mist as it went off. He coughed and sputtered a moment before snarling and looking back through the rubble of the downed wall. His eyes gleamed and his lip curled as our gazes met.

I caught Sloane under the arm and pulled her away from the window. “Take even breaths in and out.”

She squeezed her watering eyes shut and wheezed.

I wrapped an arm around her as she sputtered. “Breathe, sweetheart. It’ll pass.”

She coughed, her hand going to her throat. She made a croaking sound like she was trying to talk.