Page 48 of Wolf Obsessed

Sawyer looked away as his eyes narrowed. “He did. I think I was able to throw him off, for now.”

I put my hands over my mouth, but it didn’t do much to stifle my gasp. “Sawyer, this is too dangerous.”

Lincoln’s thumbs pressed deeper into my shoulders, but the knots only seemed to be growing larger.

Sawyer stared at something in the corner of the room. “I have it under control. Dad knows you did the wiretap. He plans to use it against you. Feed false information into it.”

He licked his lips and then scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “He’s coming tomorrow night to attack.”

A lump formed in my throat. No. We weren’t ready.

“But we took the wolfsbane,” I reminded him.

Sawyer flinched and looked down at the floor. “It doesn’t matter. He thinks he can catch you off guard.”

This was bad. I chewed on my thumbnail.

Sawyer put his hands on my shoulders too so they were right next to Lincoln’s. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. You guys have been preparing.”

Bile crept up my throat. “We’re still outnumbered.”

Outnumbered by a lot. Pack Wolf Blood had a hundred men more than us.

Sawyer leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “I don’t think I can stall him. Not without drawing attention to myself further.”

I licked my lips and gripped his shirt. “Don’t put yourself in danger. We have the day to prepare. And we have a crap ton of wolfsbane to help even the playing field.”

Lincoln kissed my shoulder blade again. “We’ll have plenty of time to put the wolfsbane around the property and even make some traps with it, too.”

I blinked a few times. “Traps?”

Lincoln hugged me tighter from behind. “I can show them how to set up the sprays so that they can be tripped and then douse the intruders with it.”

I scrunched up my nose and shivered. “That sounds horrible.”

My nose itched just thinking about it. I could still feel the occasional burning sensation from when I’d gotten hit with it not that long ago.

I shuddered. “We should tell my dad.”

I glanced over my shoulder at the wall clock. He’d only been in bed an hour or so. I’d had him up last night, and I knew he’d be up early. He needed his rest to keep up his strength and to function.

But we needed to be ready.

I sidestepped out of their embrace. “I’ll be right back. I need to let him know.”

Both brothers nodded at me.

I hurried to the door, put my hand on the knob, and then turned back to Sawyer. “You’ll still be here when I get back, right?”

He smiled for the first time tonight. “I should be.”


I opened the door and closed it before hustling down the hall and rapping on my parents’ door for the second night in a row.

After only a few moments, the door cracked open, and my dad peered out. His face fell when he saw me. He opened the door and motioned me in.

I threaded my fingers together as I stepped into their room. My mom was up too, and judging by the way she sat up in bed, she hadn’t been sleeping.